Color Dialog Not displaying correctly


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Perhaps Andrew can help me with this? ColorDialog in Landscape is not fully viewable. Can not see the last 2 sliders. Portrait Mode is ok.

I love the Screenshot on the new version of B4A! Rotation option would be nice. Not a big deal.


  • ColorDialogLandscape.jpg
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Licensed User
Longtime User
There is just not enough resolution in landscape on most devices to show the color dialogs. It's fine on my Motorola Xoom though!
I love the Screenshot on the new version of B4A! Rotation option would be nice.
It's there under Orientation.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
There is just not enough resolution in landscape on most devices to show the color dialogs

Wouldn't it be possible to embed the dialog controls in a scrollview so that the user can scroll it?
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