Erel’s recent code snippet regarding Material Icons and Richtsring inspired me to write the following snippet combining a FontAwesome Icon, text and Richstring to put text on a label, button, edittext, etc. The following code which can be enhanced, is the entire project:
Tags: Richstring, Fontawesome
Dependency: Richstring Library (that’s all)
Erel’s recent code snippet regarding Material Icons and Richtsring inspired me to write the following snippet combining a FontAwesome Icon, text and Richstring to put text on a label, button, edittext, etc. The following code which can be enhanced, is the entire project:
Sub Globals
Private Label1 As Label
Private lblFontAwesomeIcon As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.loadlayout("1") 'layout has 2 labels: Label1 and lblFontAwesomeIcon
Label1.Typeface = lblFontAwesomeIcon.Typeface 'lblFontAwesomeIcon must have fontawesome Typeface. Can be invisible.
Label1.text = FontAwesomeIconsWithRichString("0xF0B2", "B4A Takes You Anywhere!", 2.75)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
If UserClosed Then Activity.Finish
End Sub
Sub FontAwesomeIconsWithRichString(HexCode As String, Text As String, IconRelativeSize As Float) As RichString
Dim rs As RichString
Dim intHC As Int = Bit.ParseInt(HexCode, 16)
rs.Initialize($"{SIZE2}{C}${Chr(intHC)} {C}{SIZE2}{B}${Text}{B}"$)
Return rs
End Sub
Dependency: Richstring Library (that’s all)