iOS Question Command line invocation

Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
Licensed User
Hi everyone,
I'm using B4i v6.8 with a local builder and I'm getting the following error message:
I've never seen a similar error and I don't understand it. Can anyone tell me what it is and how to solve it?

Also, is it okay to show my provisioning file code, iPhone distribution name etc. or should I hide these data?

Thanks in advance.

Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
Licensed User
Here it is. Sorry for the late response but I was couldn't work on the project before.
Should I open a new thread?


  • Error.txt
    33.9 KB · Views: 189
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The error is related to HHAnimatedGifView library.
/Users/antoniodichiano/Desktop/B4iBuildServer/UploadedProjects/<user id>/B4iProject/b4i_paginaweb2.h:2:9: fatal error: 'HHAnimatedGifView.h' file not found
#import "HHAnimatedGifView.h"
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Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
Licensed User
The error is related to HHAnimatedGifView library.
I already had a published version on the apple store with this library though. I don't understand why now it doesn't work.

I updated B4i and the B4iBuildServer so I added again the file .h and .a, but now I'm getting another error. I'm attaching a text file with the new error in it.

I saw this library and I will for sure use it in future projects, but since I already had a published version of the app with the HHAnimatedGifView library I wanted to keep use that one so that I wouldn't have to make a lot of changes to the project.


  • Error2.txt
    3.4 KB · Views: 183
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Semen Matusovskiy

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A library supports iPhones only, not simulators.
The linked library 'libHHAnimatedGifView.a' is missing one or more architectures required by this target: x86_64
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Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
Licensed User
A library supports iPhones only, not simulators.
But again, I already used it and published my app with this library. I made a few changes to the project now and I wanted to test it, but it's suddenly not working anymore.
I only changed some buttons background images so I don't think it's related to the library.
updated B4i and the B4iBuildServer so I added again the file .h and .a, but now I'm getting another error. I'm attaching a text file with the new error in it.
I think I skipped a few steps here. I already have the B4i Bridge on my iPhone, should I repeat the "B4i Build Server -> Build B4i Bridge app" process? Or should I just run the project with the local buildserver on?
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Semen Matusovskiy

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But again, I already used it and published my app with this library.

And what ? App Store release supports armv7 and arm64 only. Another matter, if you was able to run in simulators, which need i386 / x86_64 architecture.

Again. libHHAnimatedGifView.a posted in does not support simulators. You can check this under MAC OS. Copy .a file to desktop, open new terminal window and execute lipo -info Desktop/libHHAnimatedGifView.a
The output will be Architectures in the fat file: Desktop/libHHAnimatedGifView.a are: armv7 arm64.

B4i-Bridge ... If it works, no reason to update. Anyway a compilation is a separate question.
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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
In #6 you posted Error2.Txt. Take a look bold lines.

The log shows that you ran on simulator. Check Tools - Device IP in IDE.
Probably now you run on iPhone. But in this case a log should be another.
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Stefano Di Chiano

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That's probably cause I tried to run the project without selecting the IP of the device, my bad.

If I try to generate the B4i Bridge again, it still doesn't work.

I'm working on a different pc with another B4i license now, could that be a problem?
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Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
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So, this is what I did:
I started the buildserver on my local mac, set its Ip address in Tools -> Build Server -> Server settings. Selected my iPhone ip address in Tools -> Device IP Address, and clicked on run.
This is what I get:
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Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
If you forgot a password, you can look a text file C:\Users\<your login>\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4i\b4xV5.ini on old PC. There is a line SignKeyPassword=...
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Stefano Di Chiano

Active Member
Licensed User
I copied the old pc keys folder in mine, set the password in Tools -> Private Sign Key and clicked on set Password. Then I run the B4iBuildServer from my local mac and set its ip address in Tools -> Build Server -> Server settings.
I then clicked on Tools -> Build Server -> Build B4i Bridge App.
Error: security: SecKeychainItemImport: MAC verification failed during PKCS12 import (wrong password?)
And it still gives me this error.
What did I do wrong?

EDIT: I retrieved the old pc password in the ini file as you suggested by the way, so I'm sure it's correct.
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