B4R Question Compiler abort due to a board problem?


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Longtime User
After installation of new board types (e.g. M5Stamp) on the Arduino IDE 1.8.15, B4R 3.9 stops with :
DEBUG StatusLogger Shutdown hook enabled. Registering a new one.
DEBUG StatusLogger LoggerContext[name=1e6f5c3, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@49a9c1] started OK.
Preparing boards...
Error: EraseFlash: Invalid option for board "m5stack-core-esp32"
DEBUG StatusLogger Stopping LoggerContext[name=1e6f5c3, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@49a9c1]
DEBUG StatusLogger Stopping LoggerContext[name=1e6f5c3, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@49a9c1]...
The B4R project (with M5Stack-Core board) can be compiled on an other machine and the src.ino project, translated by B4R on this machine
can be compiled with the Arduino-IDE.
Third, a B4R project with an M5Stamp-C3-board is compiled well on this machine.

What's happend with the board management in B4R and how can I make it running again?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Your are right!
The board that fails has one more parameter: 'EraseFlash'. Why this?
I can set the this to 'none' or 'all' but compilation always fails...

At the Arduino-IDE the parameter ''Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload" is disabled and compilation works!
Where is the dog?
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