Type DeviceConfig(DeviceID As String, DeviceIP (4) As Byte , GateWayIP(4) As Byte, SubnetMask(4) As Byte , ServerIP(4) As Byte, _
ServerPort As UInt, IsStatic As Boolean,NetworkSSID As String, NetworkPassword As String,LCDcontrast As Byte, LCDbacklightLevel As Byte)
'our postman object, send information from/to B4A, it should include the function name you want to run on ESP or B4A when receiving these parameters,
'you may not use all of them, it just can hold up to 16 parameters
Type Message (Function As String, Parameter1 As String, _
Parameter2 As String, _
Parameter3 As String, _
Parameter4 As String, _
Parameter5 As String, _
Parameter6 As String, _
Parameter7 As String, _
Parameter8 As String, _
Parameter9 As String, _
Parameter10 As String, _
Parameter11 As String, _
Parameter12 As String, _
Parameter13 As String, _
Parameter14 As String, _
Parameter15 As String, _
Parameter16 As String)
Private const SYS_AP_PORT As UInt = 51042 'access point mode port and IP
Private const SYS_AP_IP() As Byte = Array As Byte (192,168,4,1)
Private const SYS_AP_SUBNET() As Byte = Array As Byte (255,255,255,0)
Private Ser As B4RSerializator