Android Question ContentChooser B4A to save as .txt in phone EXTERNAL FOLDER


New Member
Hi, I failed to find an example to show how to save an EditTEXT content (i.e. texts data) as a .txt file inside my phone folder (not the APP root folder). Therefore, I used an AI to show me.

I took the advice not to use DirInternal method (as it will be outdated soon), and use ContentChooser. I declare it as ContentChooser, initialized it, and use the show method. However, I failed to show a dialog box to ask user to save in the folder. Instead, it just open the EXTERNAL FOLDER and nothing can be done.

What has been wrong here? I am a novice user, would appreciate anyone here tell me where the example or resources are. Thanks.


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I failed to find an example to show how to save an EditTEXT content (i.e. texts data) as a .txt file inside my phone folder

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