Control or Disable Power On/Off Button


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I have an situation where I am mounting a tablet behind glass and I do not wish the power button to be active. The tablet has permanent power applied so the battery running down is not really a concern, but I am wondering if it is possible to detect voltage is OK and auto-turn on. i.e. auto-on if power DOES get disconnected and re-connected for some reason. And, also, to disable the on/off button so it could not accidentally turn the tablet off..........I don't think the PhoneWakeState is enough here?? thanks.


B4X founder
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You cannot disable the power button.

Try the following steps:
- Start a service and call Service.StartForeground
- Listen to the SreenOff event with PhoneEvents.
- In this event schedule the service to restart in x seconds with StartServiceAt.
- In Service_Start acquire a power lock with PhoneWakeState.
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