Copy and paste views between designer screens


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It would really be nice to be able to open multiple designer screens and cut and paste or copy and paste views between them.

For example, you would have 2 designer screens open then when you click on a button that has a lot of properties set and press ctrl-c (or select Copy from a menu) it would go into the clipboard.

Next you would go to the other open designer screen and simply do a ctrl-v (or select paste from a menu) and the view would be pasted there plus all the properties as well.

This would make Basic4Android the ultimate and I think everyone would love this feature.


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Is this going to be available sometime soon? I find myself frequently needing this functionality.


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I think if enough people request this one he will put it in. Hopefully he will do that soon.


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+1 from here too. Just started coding a week ago and I've dreamed of that kind of feature like a zillion times already.


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I am working on many views and there are sometimes that a particular panel with labels on it, that took a lot of time to make it correct needed to be copyed over other layouts.

Clipboard permit registering different types of content and this could be pasted as xml info on clipboard to be recostructed on the other layour by designer.


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+1 here too.

As a work around I make a copy of the layout file and then load it back in.


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After a few hours programming my

Had to place 8 buttons on a form with difficult properties ... boring work ..


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Longtime User
Yup -> +1 would be really nice. For instance, I have a imgBackground. I would like it to be at the exact, exact same place. Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V a couple of times would make this so.

(or now that I think of it, perhaps template -> but move this to v3...)


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Copy/Paste views between different activities


add me in to the list. Copy/Paste between different activities would help not waste so much time in screen designing.

Also I wish the .bal file was in text format. That way we could manage the activity by a texteditor.


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+ 1
I saw that this request was made before the launch of version 3.0. The new version did not bring the Copy/Paste function.
There is some hope to include this function in next updates?


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Please do put that in. Many people are hoping for it to be in soon.


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Also I wish the .bal file was in text format. That way we could manage the activity by a texteditor.

I had to change the names of all the views in a layout.
I was very disapointed to open the .bal file with a text editor and see a binary file...

Instead of do a find/replace, I had to change the names one by one...
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