i'm going to make share when the app is starting to run two file be in external directory and if they're not there copy them and after that continue running .this is the code but it seems not waiting for the sub to be complete.
i'm going to make share when the app is starting to run two file be in external directory and if they're not there copy them and after that continue running .this is the code but it seems not waiting for the sub to be complete.
copyfile in resumable sub:
Sub copyFiles(temp As Boolean)As ResumableSub
Dim flag As Boolean
temp = 0
flag = False
If File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal,"cool.pol") = False Then
Wait For (File.CopyAsync(File.DirAssets,"cool.pol",File.DirDefaultExternal,"cool.pol")) Complete (Success1 As Boolean)
End If
If File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal,"rest.pol") = False Then
Wait For (File.CopyAsync(File.DirAssets,"rest.pol",File.DirDefaultExternal,"rest.pol")) Complete (Success2 As Boolean)
End If
If Success1 And Success2 Then
flag = True
End If
End Try
If flag = False Then
End If
End Sub