Android Question Count of tables in SQL database.


Licensed User
I have a sql database with an unknown count of tables. How to find the number of tables in the database?
For example I try:

dim count_tables as Cursor
count_tables= Main.sql1.ExecQuery("SELECT COUNT() FROM sqlite_master WHERE TYPE='table'")

but it returns error "column not exists"

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User

This is a bit simpler:

Sub CountTables
 Dim lCountTables As Long = SQL.ExecQuerySingleResult("select count(*) from sqlite_master where type = 'table'")
 Log("CountTables, lCountTables: " & lCountTables)
End Sub

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Longtime User

I would put the number in to an Int, but Long would more than suffice. There's no real need to put the asterisk in, I'd prefer a column_name in there, but it could throw an error if it no longer exists. It used to be accepted SQL practice, but then was frowned upon, but might work fine in this scenario but not in a 'normal' counting scenario, e.g. number of records in a specific table.
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