Share My Creation CountOccurences(sPattern, sText) & Split(sPattern, sText) Snippets

This Sub Counts Occurencnes of a Character Pattern in a string and returns the result as an Integer.


Log(CountOccurences("is", "This is a Simple Subroutine"))

Result: 2

Sub CountOccurences(sPattern As String, sText As String) As Int
Dim sPatternLength, sTextLength As Int
Dim i As Int
Dim result As Int

sPatternLength = sPattern.Length
sTextLength = sText.Length

result = 0
For i = 0 To sTextLength - sPatternLength
    If sPattern = sText.SubString2(i, i + sPatternLength) Then
      result = result + 1
    End If

Return result

End Sub

The Split(sPattern, sText) subroutine functions as regex.Split but sPattern can be a string of characters


Dim txtParts() as string
Dim i as Int

txtParts = Split("is", "Peter is 5 years old but Peter is very tall")

for i = 0 to txtParts.Length - 1
next i



is 5 years old but Peter

is very tall

Sub Split(sPattern As String, sText As String) As String()
Dim TextBuffer() As String
Dim intFirstIndex As Int
Dim intLastIndex As Int
Dim i As Int

sText = sText.Replace(sPattern,"~")

intFirstIndex = sText.IndexOf("~")
intLastIndex = sText.LastIndexOf("~")

TextBuffer = Regex.Split("~", sText)

If TextBuffer.Length > 0 Then
  For i = 1 To TextBuffer.Length - 1
      TextBuffer(i) = sPattern & TextBuffer(i)
  If intFirstIndex = intLastIndex AND TextBuffer.Length = 1 Then
      TextBuffer(0) = TextBuffer(0) & sPattern
  End If
  If intFirstIndex = 0 AND TextBuffer.Length > 1 Then
      Dim ReTextBuffer() As String
      ReTextBuffer = TextBuffer
      Dim Textbuffer(ReTextbuffer.Length - 1) As String
      Dim k As Int
      k = 0
      For i = 0 To ReTextBuffer.Length - 1
            If ReTextBuffer(i).Trim.Length > 0 Then
            TextBuffer(k) = ReTextBuffer(i)
            k = k + 1
          End If
  End If
  If intFirstIndex = -1 AND intLastIndex =-1 Then
      Dim TextBuffer() As String
  End If 
  Dim TextBuffer() As String
End If

Return TextBuffer

End Sub
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