iOS Tutorial Create shortcut on OSX to run self hosted builder

I am very new to B4i and one of the first things I wanted was a simple Windows style shortcut to launch the mac builder on my MacMini without having to open a terminal window then enter the command '
java -jar B4iBuildServer.jar' each time.

So the following is an easy way (well I think it is) to create such a thing.

On your Mac do the following;
  1. Launchpad - Other - Script Editor
  2. Add the following lines
    • tell application "terminal" to activate
    • tell application "terminal"
      • do script ("cd /full/path/to/your/macserver/folder/") in window 1
        • Mine is located at /Users/gjt211/Documents/B4i/macserver_25/
      • do script ("java -jar B4iBuildServer.jar") in window 1
    • end tell
  3. File - Save
    • Navigate to the folder where you have your macserver files.
    • Enter a name, something useful like "RunB4iBuildServer"
    • Change File Format to "Application"
    • Don't change any other options.
    • Click Save
  4. Close the Script Editor
Now if you open the folder in Finder, and double click the newly created script, your mac should open a terminal window and run the macserver for B4i.
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