Hello, I am trying to update data with conditional requests in Firebase Realtimedatabase, but I do not get the unique identifier or ETag, please can you help me, thanks.
The idea is to implement a secure transaction in Firebase Realtimedatabase.
The example base code is in the following link
The curl code is the following:
curl 'https://apptugaraje-6d8a3.firebaseio.com/serdata/201805/03005656790lXtl7/esta.json' -H 'X-Firebase-ETag: true'
What am I doing wrong?
The answer should be something similar to the image.
The idea is to implement a secure transaction in Firebase Realtimedatabase.
The example base code is in the following link
The curl code is the following:
curl 'https://apptugaraje-6d8a3.firebaseio.com/serdata/201805/03005656790lXtl7/esta.json' -H 'X-Firebase-ETag: true'
Dim job1 As HttpJob
job1.Initialize("FiBaDb_read", Me)
job1.Download( "https://apptugaraje-6d8a3.firebaseio.com/serdata/201805/03005656790lXtl7/esta.json" )
What am I doing wrong?
The answer should be something similar to the image.