Android Question Cursor not initilaized

Roger C

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Hi, I'm banging my head against something soft...

Below code gives me 'Cursor is not initilized'-error. I had it in an Activity before but now I am running this in a Class. Does it matter if it's in an Activity or Class?????

Sub FillHistory2(lDate As String)
    Dim crnames As Cursor
    Dim rowitem As String
    Dim t As String
    crnames = Main.SQLuser.ExecQuery("SELECT intid, uttid, indatum, projekt FROM time WHERE indatum = '" & lDate & "' ORDER BY intid DESC")
    If crnames.RowCount > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To crnames.RowCount - 1
            crnames.Position = i
            If crnames.GetString("indatum")=lDate Then      'DateTime.Date( Then
                If crnames.GetString("uttid") <> "00:00:00" Then
                    rowitem=sf.left(crnames.GetString("intid"),5) & "-" & sf.Left(crnames.GetString("uttid"),5) & "  " & crnames.GetString("projekt")
                    rowitem=sf.Left(crnames.GetString("intid"),5) & "-" & " Pågår " & crnames.GetString("projekt")
                End If
                lstHistory.AddSingleLine(rowitem)    'crnames.GetString("Name"))
            End If
        lstHistory.AddSingleLine("<Inga projekt denna dag>")
    End If
End Sub

The cursor doesn't have an Initilize. What am I doing wrong???


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The cursor is not initialized as no records found. Try putting square brackets around the table name. Time is probably a reserved keyword.
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Roger C

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Aha, ok so I don't need to initalize it somehow just make sure it will find some records...
Maybe I should put it in a Try - Catch....
But the odd thing is that it worked fine when run in an Activity before, when no records found you come to the Else-part...
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I believe when testing if >0 it tries to access the row.count which it cannot do as the cursur is not initialized. Try wrapping in a If crnames.IsInitialized
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You'll get MyCursor.IsInitialized = True even if MyCursors.RowCount = 0
yes, but you do if crnames.IsInitialized = false. That way when it is not initialized the rest of the code won't be run. And so no error. Was keeping answers short as on my phone and typing messes up in the reply box
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Roger C

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Thanks for your fast response!
I'm a bit ashamed here... It wasn't cursor, it was SQLuser who wasn't initilized. The B4A said that the problem was at cursor but never mind. Been rearranging some code and then it didn't work. Hrm...
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