Custom Controls - how?


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The image inside the RectDest is always completely visible and simply gets streched with increase of the RestDest...
Probably because you are not resizing the source rectangle but are specifying the entire source bitmap to be drawn on the destination Rectangle.


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Longtime User
Here you have an example on how to do it.
As agraham mentioned, you must resize the source rectangle to the width you want to display and the width and height of source and destination rectangles must be the same to avoid stretching.

Best regards.


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Klaus (and agraham and cableguy), thank you VERY much!

This is exactly it :):)

I will now try to incorporate this into my app :)

Thanks a lot again!!

Best regards,

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and what about creating a custom scrollbar(with chandgeble images)?for htmlpanel for example (this control has scroll event).
i'm try but there are many-many work with it (for example this control must ascept transparent thence it will be formex form we add it 'addform' to general formex)
maybe somebody want to do it? :-[
of course I want it to desktop =)