Android Tutorial Custom WebSocket Based Push Framework


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I really should understand the system....

The external message does not reactivate a connection!
The incoming message wake up (or starts) your app. Once your app is started it is up to YOU then to do whatever you need to do to sync your database or whatever you(your app) wants to do...


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You can also use StartServiceAt to start the process at a specific time.
Maybe I'm lost somewhere (missing the meaning of some post) but I'm reading the PushService service and it works exactly using StartServiceAt.

1) PushService starts at boot
2) it is a sticky service
3) it uses StarServiceAt (every 2 minutes)
4) it tries to connect to the server, if the connection is not already active
5) it reads and shows messages stored locally (if exist)
6) it can receive new messages from the server, without starting some "listening method", thanks to the websocket (the server "runs" wsh_NewMessage)

So, I don't understand Roberto's question...
For further discussion please start a new thread.
... please, start a new thread also in the Italian forum
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If you don't need a real time response, yes. I close connection and every now and then i get a web page to see if the server has data waiting for me. Also "institutional" push notification services are unable to contact the client if the client is not connected at that time. And connection must be handled automatically or manually, since TCP is not able to reveal connecction's drops real time.
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