CustomListView - A flexible list based on ScrollView

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I used your costumview code. and I added 1label + 2spinner +1 checkbox in every panel.
So, I cant detecet /divide spinner1 or spinner2. And I want works spinner click each one.
How can I?

Sub Button1_Click
    ' scrool vieww için hazırlanmış
    ProgressDialogShow("Rehberiniz okunuyor ve listeleniyor...")
    Dim xcall As PhoneCalls
    Dim xsms As PhoneSms
    'xsms.Send("+905335135121","2 sistemm çalıstı")
    'StartActivity( xcall.Call("02127711379"))
    Dim c As Contact
    Dim cs As Contacts2
    '-------------Liste düzenleme-------------------
    clv3.Initialize(Me, "clv3")
    Activity.AddView(clv3.AsView, 0, 30%y, 100%x, 70%y)
    Dim phonelist As List
          Dim l As List
          l = cs.GetAll(True,True)
        Dim telf As Map
        'Msgbox(l.Size, "kişi sayısı")
          For i = 0 To l.Size - 1
            c = l.Get(i)
            telf= c.GetPhones
            For z=0 To telf.size-1
                'Log(z&". numara : " & telf.GetValueAt(z))
            'clv3.Add(CreateListItem2(c.DisplayName, clv3.AsView.Width, 80dip,phonelist), 80dip, "Item #" & i)
            clv3.Add(CreateListItem2(c.DisplayName, clv3.AsView.Width, 80dip,phonelist), 80dip, c.Id)
End Sub

'---- never run
Sub spn2_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
    Msgbox("2 ci","")
End Sub
'always run it
Sub spn_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim index As Int
    index = clv3.GetItemFromView(Sender)
    Dim pnl As Panel
    pnl = clv3.GetPanel(index)
    Dim spn,spn2 As Spinner
    Dim lbl As Label
    Dim chk As CheckBox
    lbl = pnl.GetView(1)
    spn = pnl.GetView(2)
    chk = pnl.GetView(0)
    spn2 = pnl.GetView(3)
    lbl.Text = "telfon!"
    Msgbox("Item value: " & clv3.GetValue(index) & CRLF & "spinner value: " & spn.GetItem(Position), "")
End Sub

Sub CreateListItem2(Text As String, Width As Int, Height As Int, phonelist As List) As Panel
    Dim p As Panel
    p.Color = Colors.Black
    Dim b As Button
    b.Initialize("button") 'all buttons click events will be handled with Sub Button_Click
    Dim chk As CheckBox
    Dim lbl As Label
    Dim spn As Spinner
    Dim spn2 As Spinner
    spn2.AddAll(Array As String("Bey","Hanım","Amcacağım","Dayıcığım","Halacığım","Teyzeciğim", "Yengeciğim","Dedeciğim","Nineciğim","Ablacağım","Abiciğim","Kardeşim","Kuzenim","Yeğenim","babananeciğim", "anneanneciğim"))
    lbl.Gravity = Bit.OR(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, Gravity.LEFT)
    lbl.Text = Text
    lbl.TextSize = 16
    lbl.TextColor = Colors.White
    b.Text = "Click"
    'p.AddView( l - T w- h
    p.AddView(chk, 5dip, 2dip, 50dip, Height - 4dip) 'view #0
    p.AddView(lbl, 55dip, 2dip, 165dip, Height - 4dip) 'view #1
    p.AddView(spn, 220dip, 2dip, 170dip, Height - 4dip) 'view #2
    p.AddView(spn2, 390dip, 2dip, 150dip, Height - 4dip) 'view #3
    Return p
End Sub

Martin Larsen

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There is a bug: DefaultTextBackgroundColor has no effect. It's because DefaultTextBackground = base.Background in DesignerCreateView() and later in InsertAtTextItem() the panel color is only set if DefaultTextBackground = Null.

A fix is to make DefaultTextBackground public and setting that to null in Activity_Create().

I also have a couple of questions:

How can I remove the border (the white line) between the items?

Is it possible to create a panel in the visual designer and use that panel in the CustomListView? I tried and got the exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.

As I read it, the panel I created already has a parent and hence cannot be added in the InsertAt() sub. But there is no Activity.removeView() so how can I remove the view? Or is it simply not possible to design the panel visually? (It would be awesome if it was!)

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Dim sv As ScrollView = yourcustomlistview.AsView
sv.Color = ? 'insert here the same color used for your item panel and the divider will be invisible
or make "dividerHeight" public in CustomListView.bas and set it to 0.

Dim pnl As Panel
yourcustomlistview.InsertAdd(pnl, ...

Martin Larsen

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Thanks, MaFu. #1 works fine!


A few questions:

Do you mean .InsertAt() ?

Should the designer actually contain a panel with the sub elements (labels, buttons etc) which is then loaded into pnl, or should I just add the elements directly to the designer since it ends up in pnl anyway?

Do I need to create, initialize and load the layout for each element I need to add to the CLV? Or is it possible to sort of clone the panel and the just change the values of its child controls?


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Thanks, MaFu. #1 works fine!


A few questions:

Do you mean .InsertAt() ? yes, InsertAdd() was a typo.

Should the designer actually contain a panel with the sub elements (labels, buttons etc) which is then loaded into pnl, or should I just add the elements directly to the designer since it ends up in pnl anyway?
panel is not needed, add the elements directly.

Do I need to create, initialize and load the layout for each element I need to add to the CLV? Or is it possible to sort of clone the panel and the just change the values of its child controls?
yes, for each element.

Martin Larsen

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I am still struggling with adding the the panel designed in the visual designer. It does not show up in the custom listview. This is what I do:

Sub Globals
    private clv As CustomListView
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    For i = 0 To 10
End Sub

Sub AddMyItem(i as integer)
        Dim p As Panel
        clv.Add(p, 30, i)
End Sub

The Layout 5 simple consists of a single button with the text "Test" on.

If I click on the listview I can see the items get highlighted, but they don't show up. Like if the panel's layout is not loaded correctly or something.

If I instead create the panel manually, like this

Sub AddMyItem(i As integer)
        Dim p As Panel
        Dim btn As Button
        btn.Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, Gravity.LEFT)
        btn.Text = "Test"
        btn.TextColor= Colors.Black
        p.AddView(btn, 0, 0, clv.AsView.Width, 50dip)
        clv.Add(p, 50dip, i)
End Sub

it works.

So clearly I am missing something, but what?

I know I could just create the panel manually, but it's much more complicated than a single button :)

Martin Larsen

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Are you using anchors or a script in this layout?

Anchors. Is that a problem?

It is not recommended to load a layout file to a panel with unknown size. Try to first add the panel to another panel just to set its size and then load the layout file.

Erel, I don't understand what you mean with that.

Edit: I am not sure if this is want you meant, but you gave me an idea and it seems to work!

Activity.AddView(p, 0,0,100%x,100%y)
clv.Add(p, 75dip, item)

Adding the panel to the Activity and removing it again seems to do the trick. And I understand from you say that it will first get its dimensions when it's added to an activity or another panel.

Is this approach OK?
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Martin Larsen

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To change the order should work:

Yes, it does! Wow, I have spent ours trying to get it right, and all I needed was to change the order a bit :)

The good thing is that I learned from it, and I understand why the order is important: by adding the panel to the custom list view first, we ensure that it has a parent and hence also a fixed size. Precisely as Erel said. It's just a more clean way to simply add it to the clv to achieve this.


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Yes, it does! Wow, I have spent ours trying to get it right, and all I needed was to change the order a bit :)
My fault, sorry for that. I've wrote my first example wrong.


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I checked the StringUtilse (version: 1.02) library , but I can't use this code :
Dim clv3 As CustomListView
what's problem on my app?


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thanks MaF u:)
solved my problem
:Dactually I need add CustomListView.bas to the project file for use from CustomListView:D


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is there is a way to disable the whole list (make the items unclickable)?
I am using "clv1" only in my program.

thank you
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