B4J Library CustomListView multiselections for desktop

This is an amended and simplified class based on @Erel's CLVSelections class - https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...d-selection-modes-for-xcustomlistview.114364/.

It is for desktop use only and is intended to operate in a similar way to how multiselections are handled in Windows File Explorer using Ctrl & Shift keys.
Note that it is slightly different in that with this class you do not need to hold both Ctrl & Shift to keep previous selections when adding a range of items.

It uses @agraham's jReflection library - https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jreflection-library.35448/.
Also depends on B4XCollections, xCustomListView and XUI libraries.

Usage is similar to the CLVSelections class:
Initialise the object:
clvSelect.Initialize(clv1, True)
And remember to add the item click event:
Sub clv1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
End Sub

Note also that I've removed everything that I wasn't using from the CLVSelections class, including the VisibleRangeChanged sub, so it may not work with lazy loading

I'll gladly accept any comments, improvement suggestions, or criticism!

2021-09-23 - Class amended to remove '&' from the comments and prevent the IDE error "An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 214."


  • CLVSelections_Desktop.bas
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