Android Question CustomListView "standard"

Roberto P.

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Longtime User
can you confirm that the CustomListView class is in the Standard library? Can I disableit to use my customized version of the CustomListView class?

I wish you a fantastic 2020

Roberto P.

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You can make a simple test: create a new project and try to add a CustomListView to a new layout; you cannot, so it is not part of the Core library.
I didn't want to try!
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Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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CustomListView type is in xCustomListView internal library.

ok, there is a mode for exclude xCustomListView or force to use CustomListView customized?
thank you
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B4X founder
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ok, there is a mode for exclude xCustomListView or force to use CustomListView customized?
Not sure that I understand the question. If you don't want to use xCLV then don't add a reference to xCustomListView library.
It is a mistake to use the source code as it will break other libraries and it is not needed.
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