Dark buttons on Atrix


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I am using a Motorola Atrix (Android version 2.2.2), and buttons created with the designer are much darker than on other devices.

I notice that the default text colour for buttons within the OS seems to be white, whereas B4A has black. Attached is a screenshot of SCalculator running on a 2.1 device on the left, and on the Atrix on the right, so you can see what I mean.

Is this a problem anyone else is seeing? and is there a fix or workround?


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Just to clarify what I ended up with:

In the main activity-create I have
   Dim Test As Button 
   test.Initialize (test)
   ButtonColour = test.TextColor

With ButtonColour being a global Int.

Then, every time I load a layout I call

General.ColourButtons (Activity )

I put these routines in a code module called General
Sub ColourButtons (Value As Activity)
   Dim DummyB As Button 
   Dim DummyP As Panel

   For i = 0 To Value.NumberOfViews - 1
      If Value.GetView(i) Is Button Then 
         DummyB = Value.GetView (i)
         DummyB.TextColor  = main.ButtonColour 
        End If 
      If Value.GetView (i) Is Panel Then ColourButtonsP (Value.GetView (i))      
End Sub

Sub ColourButtonsP (Value As Panel)
   Dim DummyB As Button 
   Dim DummyP As Panel

   For i = 0 To Value.NumberOfViews - 1
      If Value.GetView(i) Is Button Then 
         DummyB = Value.GetView (i)
         DummyB.TextColor  = main.ButtonColour 
        End If 
      If Value.GetView (i) Is Panel Then ColourButtonsP (Value.GetView (i))
End Sub

These pick up all the buttons and set the text colour to the stored default.

Hope this helps.
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