This is a B4A Class with a collection of needful functions around Dates and Times. Please use it, modify or enhance it at your individual needs.
Version: 1/2021
a) FIle: Open your project and import appended file by using Menu 'Project/New Module/Append existing modul'.
b) File: copy file in your additional library folder. Open Project and mark DateToolsV1 in library Window
Libs: depends on Core and XUI
Usage: declare instance of the class in '...Globals" like Dim DT as DateTools
a) File: DateTools.bas (Type B4A Class)
b) File: DateTools.B4xLib
Functions Overview:
Proposals, Comments are welcome. If you detect errors please give me a kick to solve. Thank you.
Version: 1/2021
a) FIle: Open your project and import appended file by using Menu 'Project/New Module/Append existing modul'.
b) File: copy file in your additional library folder. Open Project and mark DateToolsV1 in library Window
Libs: depends on Core and XUI
Usage: declare instance of the class in '...Globals" like Dim DT as DateTools
a) File: DateTools.bas (Type B4A Class)
b) File: DateTools.B4xLib
Functions Overview:
- convertMinutes, converts given minutes to string HH:mm
- compareDate, checks 2 dates if =,<,>,<=,>=
- compareTime, checks 2 times if =,<,>,<=,>=
- compareDateTime, checks 2 datetimes if =, <,>,<=,>=
- checkDate, checks if given date string has correct format (DateTime.DateFormat)
- checkTime, checks if given time string has correct format (DateTime.TimeFormat)
- checkDateTime, checks if given date and time string has correct format (DateTime.DateFormat, DateTime.TimeFormat)
- getDateTick, returns tick value of given date string (since 1970/01/01 00:00:00)
- getTimeTick, returns tick value of given time string (current date leapsed from 00:00:00)
- getDateTimeTick, returns tick value of given datetime string
- getTick2Date, returns date string of given tick value
- getTick2Time, returns time string of given tick value
- getTick2DateTime, returns datetime string of given tick value (Date Time)
- getStartSummertime, returns date where European Summertime starts
- getStartWintertime, returns date where European Wintertime starts
- getUTC, get current date and UTC Time respect Summertime or not (like yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z or yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss ZS -S=Summertime-)
- getDatePeriode, get target date of added/subtracted Periode (Years,Month,Days,Weeks,Quarters) to given date
- getDaysBetween, get the count of days between 2 dates
- getMonthBetween, get the count of month between 2 dates
- getHoursBetween, compute hours between 2 times
- getMinutesBetween, compute minutes between 2 times
- getWeekNumber, get the yearly week number of a given date
- Prior using a function set the needed Date and/or Time Format like DateTime.DateFormat= or DateTime.TimeFormat= in your code. This format will be saved. Internally the functions will work with ("yyyy/MM/dd" and "HH:mm:ss") at the end of the functions the internal format setting is resetted by the saved format.
Proposals, Comments are welcome. If you detect errors please give me a kick to solve. Thank you.
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