I am trying to count down to a particular future date. For example, today is August 30, 2016 at 17:00, my future date is October 1, 2016 at 15:00
I want to do a timer with a countdown every second of how many days, hours, minutes and seconds from today i.e. August 30, 29016 until October 1, 2016
This is what I have done currently.
Dim speriod as period
speriod = DateUtils.PeriodBetween(sdatetimeEnd,DateTime.now)
and the output is...
[Days=20, Hours=17, IsInitialized=true
, Minutes=25, Months=7, Seconds=10
, Years=0]
Surely this is incorrect. It cant be 20 days as September has 30 days in itself and hours cant be 17 because thats the current time. I have done this on the timer..
shh = speriod.Hours
smm = speriod.Minutes
smi = speriod.Seconds
sdy = speriod.Days
smi = 60 - smi
smm = 60 - smm
shh = 24 - shh
Can someone please advise me? Thanks...