I'd like to share this Sub, for calculation the day of week, based on Zeller's algorithm
Hope this is useful to somebody
Private Sub weekday(day As Int, month As Int, year As Int) As Int:
Private Sub weekday(day As Int, month As Int, year As Int) As Int
Dim dayofweek As Int ' day of week
month = month -2
If month = -1 Then
month = 11
End If
If month = 0 Then
month = 12
End If
Dim c As Int = Floor(year/100)
Dim d As Int = year - c*100
Dim f As Int = day + (Floor(13*month-1)/5) +d+ Floor(d/4) +Floor(d/4)-2*c
dayofweek = f Mod 7
If dayofweek < 0 Then dayofweek=dayofweek + 7 'Sunday = 0
Return dayofweek
End Sub
Hope this is useful to somebody