Android Tutorial DBUtils - Android databases are now simple!


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11 months ago I changed "DBUtils" for my purposes.

I have:

for single field:
Sub UpdateRecordField(SQL As SQL, TableName As String, Field As String, NewValue As Object, _
WhereFieldEquals As Map) 'ignore

for more fields:
Sub UpdateRecord(SQL As SQL, TableName As String, Fields As Map, WhereFieldEquals As Map) 'ignore

But I made the mistake of not correctly updating the "header" of the module

Now I can see:
' - Added UpdateRecord2 updates more than one field in a record,
in the module attached here.

I'm sorry


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I have a table in flexible table and when clicking the row I would like to move it to another table.
How should I do it the easiest way? I can have row number when clicking. Below is not working yet

Dim Rowmap As Map
    Rowmap=DBUtils.Executemap(SQL1,"Select Timestamp,Car from DBTableName1 WHERE ID= row",Null)

DBUtils.InsertMaps(SQL1,"Loaded",Rowmap) 'and put in new data



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This looks wrong to me:
Rowmap=DBUtils.Executemap(SQL1,"Select Timestamp,Car from DBTableName1 WHERE ID= row",Null)
I suppose that DBTableName1 and row are variables.
Try tis code:
Rowmap=DBUtils.Executemap(SQL1,"Select Timestamp,Car from " & DBTableName1 & "WHERE ID= " & row,Null)


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Now I have an another problem. Table1 contains: ID INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , PID bigint, Timeloaded DATETIME, Name TEXT)
TAble2 contains ID INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , PID bigint, Timeloaded DATETIME, Name TEXT, col1, col2)

I try to read the table1 and then put extra info(fill col1 and col2) and then save it to table2. I know how to make it in SQL but now with dbutils I don't know.
Should the map be the same order than columns or is it enough if there is a col1,value ?
I got an error row77 all the time.

Is there a simple way of doing this or should I make a new map case by case with right order? What should i put in that ID because it is auto increment.

Thanks for your help.

Sub Table1_celllongClick (Col As Int, Row As Int)
    Activity.Title = Table1.GetValue(Col, Row)
    SelectedRow = Row
    Dim row2 As String = Row+1
    Dim unloadresult As String
    unloadresult = Msgbox2("Unload Row"& row2,"Unloading..","UNLOAD","CANCEL","",Null)
    If unloadresult = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
    Dim Rowmap As Map
'    Rowmap=DBUtils.Executemap(SQL1,"Select PID,Timeloaded,Name FROM Loaded WHERE ID = "&row2, Null)
    Rowmap=DBUtils.Executemap(SQL1,"Select * FROM table1 WHERE ID = "&row2, Null)
    If Rowmap = Null Then
       ToastMessageShow("Error Copying the Row" ,True)

  '  Rowmap.put("col3","5454")

    DBUtils.InsertMaps(SQL1,"table2",Rowmap) 'and put in new data


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Expects a List of Maps !
So you need to define a List and add the Map to it and then call DBUtils.InsertMaps with the List as the second parameter.
I know how to make it in SQL but now with dbutils I don't know.
You could also do it with SQL even though you use DBUtils.


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Ok....i ment sql like mssql and tried sql commands but dbutils are much simpler even if it takes me some time to learn it.


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If I uncomment the delete statement it works. But if I leave it commented then I get this error.
An error has occurred in sub:
main_activity_create(B4A line: 76)
sqliteCantOpenDatabaseException: unable to open database file

Line 76 is this:
SQL1.Initialize(dbfiledir, dbfilename, True)

Here is all the code:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
Dim dbfilename As String
Dim dbfiledir As String
dbfilename = "ThinkFast.db"
If FirstTime Then
' File.Delete(File.DirDefaultExternal, dbfilename) ' for testing
If File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal, dbfilename) = False Then
dbfiledir = DBUtils.CopyDBFromAssets(dbfilename)
End If

SQL1.Initialize(dbfiledir, dbfilename, True)
End If

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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If your db exists, dbfiledir will be a null string, then you try to initialize SQL1 passing "" and "ThinkFast.db".
Put Log("dbfiledir = " & dbfiledir) before SQL1.Initialize(dbfiledir, dbfilename, True)


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This might be the wrong way of doing it but I am thinking the first time I store the value in a database and then if it exists then pull that value out of the database. What do you think?


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Ok. That won't work. So how would I do it?
In your File.Exists statement you are assuming that if the DB is there is will be in File.DirDefaultExternal, so just initialize your dbfiledir with File.DirDefaultExternal:

Private dbfiledir as String = File.DirDefaultExternal

That way, if the File.Exists is true you won't have a Null string in your dbfiledir variable & if it doesn't exist, dbfiledir will be changed by DBUtils.CopyDBFromAssets().

- Colin.
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