Wish DDMS & AVD Parameters


Licensed User
Longtime User
I wish if there was a DDMS shortcut in the tools menu .
Also like Android Studio we could set parameters like "-scale 6.4" or "-cpu" when we launch the AVD .
Thank You


Licensed User
Longtime User
Note that you can manually launch the AVD and then connect to it instead of launching it from the IDE.
Sure i can , but it is easier to launch from ide {i'm really lazy person}, something like give the cmd these parameters :
cmd %android_sdk%\tools\monitor.bat
This one for ddms
cmd %android_sdk%\tools\emulator @devicename -scale 0.75 -cpu-delay 0 -no-boot-anim
and this one for emulator
it's about 2-10 lines of code that i'm sure it's nothing for you :)