iOS Tutorial Debugging a B4i app with Xcode

This can be useful when you encounter hard crashes. I usually use it when encountering hard crashes with new libraries. Requires a local Mac.
Alternative method: Tip: on device logs

1. Set the device ip to Simulator.
2. Run the app in release mode (Alt + T + B + R)
The simulator will open and the app will be installed on the simulator.

3. On the Mac, go to the UploadedProjects folder and open B4iProject.xcodeproj.

4. Click on the folder icon in the top left corner and then on then twice on B4iProject. You should see the project settings.

5. Change the architecture to the "Standard..." option.
6. At this point, a yellow triangle sign will appear. Click on it.

7. On the left side, you will have an option to "update to recommended settings". Click on it and then on Perform Changes.

8. Change the target to the open simulator:

(It should be iPhone 16 Pro here)

Now you can run the app and debug it.


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Will this only work on simulator and not a real device?



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Do we still need a developer account and set up the certificates in B4i using this method?
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