Android Question Delete it all


I have seen apps that can delete everything on the phone. This is obviously done remotely when a device is lost or stolen. I have finally finished my first android app. It is ported from a different platform. what I need to do is add the ability to wipe out everything on the device at user remote request. Yes I know the google god will never approve that but I do not use them so do not care. What I could use help with is how to do this. how can I make the app fry all the user data?


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Hi there,

I can see that you are very new to the forum, so welcome here.

It sounds like an interesting app you're making, that you're not planning on distributing via Play Store.

I'm curious, could you perhaps explain what the main purpose of your app is, and why you would need the functionality to completely fry all the user data?
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no offense meant, yes I could explain the purpose but I came looking for information not a debate on why. I felt I explained enough in the original post.

This does however bring up another question. Since google loves to update android constantly ensuring it is the absolute worst version of Linux in history, is there a place that distributes software no longer allowed on google play store?
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