DEPRECIATED: Use ABKeystoreSSL instead
This is a library to create HTTPS credentials for jServer Web Apps.
As I'm currently blocked for some time from Let's Encrypt because I did to many requests, this is just a beta you can test.
1. You must have a domain and a web server like Apache running on port 80!
2. Copy ALL the files in the .zip to your Additional Libraries folder
Usage (just an non-UI B4J app e.g. called Maker):
This app was placed in the /var/www/ folder and then started with 'java -jar maker.jar somethingtotriggertheargs'
It will create a keystore.jks file that you can use in your jServer Web App (or ABMaterial):
NOTE: credentials created in developers mode will show in the browser as not correct, but still run in HTTP/2 mode. This is a Let's encrypt limitation.
Also, READ THE LOGS. There is important info in it (and you can ignore the ones about SLF4J, this is because I show the logs in the B4J pane)
This is a library to create HTTPS credentials for jServer Web Apps.
As I'm currently blocked for some time from Let's Encrypt because I did to many requests, this is just a beta you can test.
Save the generated user.key and domain.key in a secure place! IF YOU LOSE THEM, THERE IS NO WAY TO RECOVER YOUR ACCOUNT!
1. You must have a domain and a web server like Apache running on port 80!
2. Copy ALL the files in the .zip to your Additional Libraries folder
Usage (just an non-UI B4J app e.g. called Maker):
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
Dim client As ABACMEClient
' needs to be the 'entry point' in your webserver (NOT your B4X app). In my case it was var/www/html and not var/www/)
' MUST be accessible on port 80
Dim domains As List
' to prevent the code to run when compiling on release. args can be anything when you run it from your server
If Args.Length > 0 Then
' will print whatever you have added
' using the real Let's Encrypt production server
Log(client.fetchCertificate(domains, "keystore", "01234", "56789", True))
' using the developers server of Let's Encrypt
Log(client.fetchCertificate(domains, "keystore", "01234", "56789", False))
End If
End Sub
This app was placed in the /var/www/ folder and then started with 'java -jar maker.jar somethingtotriggertheargs'
It will create a keystore.jks file that you can use in your jServer Web App (or ABMaterial):
Server.StartServerHTTP2("keystore.jks", "01234", "56789")
NOTE: credentials created in developers mode will show in the browser as not correct, but still run in HTTP/2 mode. This is a Let's encrypt limitation.
Also, READ THE LOGS. There is important info in it (and you can ignore the ones about SLF4J, this is because I show the logs in the B4J pane)
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