I just wanted to test the scaling of text size, instead I came across this.
A very simple single landscape variant:
EditText1 width is 120dip (25%x) (buttons too, but this is not important, now)
Tested on two devices:
a) Tablet 1280x800-160
b) Phone 480x800-240
EditText1 W: 120 = 25%x
Tablet (scale 1 - Android 4.42)
AutoScaleRate default...EditText1 W: 176 = 13.75%x
AutoScaleRate 1.........EditText1 W: 302 = 23.59%x
Phone (scale 1.5 - Android 4.04)
AutoScaleRate default...EditText1 W: 180 = 22.5%x
AutoScaleRate 1.........EditText1 W: 180 = 22.5%x
AutoScaleRate 0.5.......EditText1 W: 180 = 22.5%x
Using a ScaleRate of 1 is exactly the same as %x and %y but the texts are scaled according to the physical screensize.
a) using AutoScaleRate(1) I don't get W% = 25%x
b) phone: nothing changes changing AutoScaleRate
c) AutoScaleRate default (0.3): Tablet W% = 23.59%, Phone 22.5%
d) too much difference between default and 1 (tablet): 13.75% and 23.59%
'All variants script
AutoScaleRate(1) ' changed from default (0.3), 0, 0.5, 1
EditText1.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
Button2.Left = Button1.Right
Button3.Left = Button2.Right
Button4.Left = Button3.Right
[used B4A 5.50 and, fewer tests, 4.30]