This Thread is about the german Post and their free Api Service for Postalstamps and other Services.
I´ll post some Examples in this Thread. Most probably it is not of interest for someone out of Germany but i´ll write this Tutorial in english for anyone be interested in it ;-)
I am not resposible for any Copyrights or anything. See the DHL-Developersite and DHL Site for any Agreements, Licenses, regularities, ect,
To get started you need:
- register a Account at the Developersite linked above. There is a
Button on the opper right.
Once you get registered you´ll get some Mails from the german Post.
You´ll get a Sandbox-Account Login and a password for this Login (in a seperate mail).
You can use this credentials to work with the Api until you want to apply for production.
Note that the sandboxaccount only last for three months.
In this time you are able to use the sandbox-login to create Labels, test the implementation and so on. These stamps can not be used to ship in real world though!
- Create an "Application" in this Account.
- Add the Service/Api) "Post DE Internetmarke (Post & Parcel Germany)" to your App and wait for Approval.
- Get AppKey and AppSecret from your App
Click on Show key to show the Values and copy them.
For now we do have these Values:
- email and passwort for your own account
- email and password for an Sandboxaccount on the Portokasse having €1000,- to test the Api.
For now we are working with the sandbox-credentials and the App in our own Account.
Create an Accesstoken
- access_token is the Accesstoken we can use as a Bearer Authentification with the Api.
- expires_in is the amount of seconds for the given access_token to expire.
You can calculate a real date with this code
It is a good idea to store the token and the calculated expireDate to a kvs or hold in memory to later check if the token is still Valid.
They token given lasts for one day. So you do not have to create a new one each time.
Useful resource for your app if you want to use Different Internetstamps in your Application.
Download "Produkt-/Preisliste für Partner Version 5.70, gültig ab 1.1.2025" from there. You´ll get a CSV-File with all Productcodes for the Stamps.
here just a small snippet from this file
It is the PROD_ID we use for orders. PROD_BRPREIS holds the price for it in Euro. You need to calculate the cents from them for the Orders total sum.
There a a few stepts to order an InternetMarke:
- Get an AccessToken
- Create a ShoppingCart and get it´s ID. We later need the given shopOrderId to add Positions to the Shoppingcart.
Create a PNG-Request for a Single (in this case) or Multiple InternetMarke.
Note that i only use ONE Position in this Order resulting in ONE PNG-File to be downloaded in a ZIP after Ordering the InternetMarke.
If you would orrder multiple InternetMarke with one call then you need to adapt the code after unzipping the zip-file ;-)
I´ll stop this Post at this time.
I´ll post more related Tutorials in future
I´ve not found everything to configure but here we go.
At least i can work with what i have discovered so far.
I´ll post some Examples in this Thread. Most probably it is not of interest for someone out of Germany but i´ll write this Tutorial in english for anyone be interested in it ;-)
I am not resposible for any Copyrights or anything. See the DHL-Developersite and DHL Site for any Agreements, Licenses, regularities, ect,
To get started you need:
- register a Account at the Developersite linked above. There is a

Once you get registered you´ll get some Mails from the german Post.
You´ll get a Sandbox-Account Login and a password for this Login (in a seperate mail).
You can use this credentials to work with the Api until you want to apply for production.
Note that the sandboxaccount only last for three months.
In this time you are able to use the sandbox-login to create Labels, test the implementation and so on. These stamps can not be used to ship in real world though!
- Create an "Application" in this Account.
- Add the Service/Api) "Post DE Internetmarke (Post & Parcel Germany)" to your App and wait for Approval.
- Get AppKey and AppSecret from your App

Click on Show key to show the Values and copy them.
For now we do have these Values:
- email and passwort for your own account
- email and password for an Sandboxaccount on the Portokasse having €1000,- to test the Api.
For now we are working with the sandbox-credentials and the App in our own Account.
Create an Accesstoken
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb.Append("client_id=[client-key from deelopersite]").Append("&")
sb.Append("client_secret=[client-secret from deelopersite]")
Dim body As String = sb.ToString
Dim j As HttpJob
j.PostString("", body)
J.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Dim result As String = j.GetString
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim access_token As String = jRoot.Get("access_token")
Dim userToken As String = jRoot.Get("userToken")
Dim walletBalance As Int = jRoot.Get("walletBalance")
Dim showTermsAndConditions As String = jRoot.Get("showTermsAndConditions")
Dim external_customer_id As String = jRoot.Get("external_customer_id")
Dim token_type As String = jRoot.Get("token_type")
Dim authenticated_user As String = jRoot.Get("authenticated_user")
Dim expires_in As Int = jRoot.Get("expires_in")
Dim issued_at As String = jRoot.Get("issued_at")
Dim infoMessage As String = jRoot.Get("infoMessage")
End If
- access_token is the Accesstoken we can use as a Bearer Authentification with the Api.
- expires_in is the amount of seconds for the given access_token to expire.
You can calculate a real date with this code
' Calculate Expiredate based on the expires_in value
Dim p As Period
p.Seconds = expires_in
Dim expireDate As Long = DateUtils.AddPeriod(DateTime.Now,p)
It is a good idea to store the token and the calculated expireDate to a kvs or hold in memory to later check if the token is still Valid.
They token given lasts for one day. So you do not have to create a new one each time.
Dim apikey As String = "jvBQ06AAAGeBJCcgntoBxxxxx"
Dim apisecret As String = "SeWnbZ73yyyyy"
Dim apiloginSandbox As String = ""
Dim apipasswordSandbox As String = "AElSzzzzzz"
Public Sub CreateToken() As ResumableSub
Dim sb As StringBuilder
Dim body As String = sb.ToString
Dim j As HttpJob
j.PostString("", body)
J.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Dim result As String = j.GetString
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim access_token As String = jRoot.Get("access_token")
Dim userToken As String = jRoot.Get("userToken")
Dim walletBalance As Int = jRoot.Get("walletBalance")
Dim showTermsAndConditions As String = jRoot.Get("showTermsAndConditions")
Dim external_customer_id As String = jRoot.Get("external_customer_id")
Dim token_type As String = jRoot.Get("token_type")
Dim authenticated_user As String = jRoot.Get("authenticated_user")
Dim expires_in As Int = jRoot.Get("expires_in")
Dim issued_at As String = jRoot.Get("issued_at")
Dim infoMessage As String = jRoot.Get("infoMessage")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateAccessToken As ResumableSub
Wait For (CreateToken)Complete (usermap As Map)
If Initialized(usermap) Then
globalusermap = usermap
Dim access_token As String = usermap.Get("access_token")
Dim userToken As String = usermap.Get("userToken")
Dim walletBalance As Int = usermap.Get("walletBalance")
Dim showTermsAndConditions As String = usermap.Get("showTermsAndConditions")
Dim external_customer_id As String = usermap.Get("external_customer_id")
Dim token_type As String = usermap.Get("token_type")
Dim authenticated_user As String = usermap.Get("authenticated_user")
Dim expires_in As Int = usermap.Get("expires_in") ' Seconds
' Calculate Expiredate based on the expires_in value
Dim p As Period
p.Seconds = expires_in
Dim expireDate As Long = DateUtils.AddPeriod(DateTime.Now,p)
' and write it to kvs
' We later can use it to check if the written token is Valid when we start the app again.
Log($"Expires $date{expireDate} $Time{expireDate}"$)
Dim issued_at As String = usermap.Get("issued_at")
Dim infoMessage As String = usermap.Get("infoMessage")
Log($"external_customer_id: ${external_customer_id}"$)
Log($"Authenticated User: ${authenticated_user}"$)
Log($"Authenticated TokenIssued: ${issued_at}"$)
Log($"AT: ${access_token}"$)
Log($"UT: ${userToken}"$)
Return usermap
Dim dummy As Map
Return dummy
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"
If kvs.GetDefault("expireDate",0) > DateTime.Now Then
Dim attoken As String = kvs.Get("access_token")
Dim expire As Long = kvs.GetDefault("expireDate",0)
Log($"Expires $Date{expire} $time{expire}"$)
Log($"ExpireDate in Future. AccessToken available ${attoken}"$)
Log($"No Token available or Expired. Get new token..."$)
Wait For (UpdateAccessToken)Complete(resultmap As Map)
If Initialized(resultmap) Then
Log($"Update OK"$)
Dim expire As Long = kvs.GetDefault("expireDate",0)
Log($"$Date{expire} $time{expire}"$)
Dim attoken As String = kvs.Get("access_token")
End If
End If
If attoken <> "" Then
' Do whatever you need with the token
End If
End Sub
Useful resource for your app if you want to use Different Internetstamps in your Application.
Deutsche Post INTERNETMARKE (Post & Parcel Germany)

here just a small snippet from this file
01.01.2025;;1;N;Standardbrief;0,95;Standardbrief;0,95;;;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Für Briefe, Schriftstücke und kleinere Gegenstände bis 20 g. Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;;nein;nein
01.01.2025;;11;N;Kompaktbrief;1,10;Kompaktbrief;1,10;;;100;70;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Für Briefe, Schriftstücke und kleinere Gegenstände bis 50 g. Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;;nein;nein
01.01.2025;;21;N;Großbrief;1,80;Großbrief;1,80;;;100;70;0;353;250;20;0;500;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Für Briefe, Schriftstücke und kleinere Gegenstände bis 500 g.;;nein;nein
It is the PROD_ID we use for orders. PROD_BRPREIS holds the price for it in Euro. You need to calculate the cents from them for the Orders total sum.
There a a few stepts to order an InternetMarke:
- Get an AccessToken
- Create a ShoppingCart and get it´s ID. We later need the given shopOrderId to add Positions to the Shoppingcart.
Public Sub CreateShopOrderID(token) As ResumableSub
Dim j As HttpJob
j.PostString("", "")
'J.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
j.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization",$"Bearer ${token}"$)
'J2.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Dim jobresult As String = j.GetString
Log($"CreateOrderID.result: ${jobresult}"$)
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim shopOrderId As String = jRoot.Get("shopOrderId")
Return shopOrderId
End If
Return ""
End Sub
Create a PNG-Request for a Single (in this case) or Multiple InternetMarke.
Note that i only use ONE Position in this Order resulting in ONE PNG-File to be downloaded in a ZIP after Ordering the InternetMarke.
If you would orrder multiple InternetMarke with one call then you need to adapt the code after unzipping the zip-file ;-)
Log($"calling CreateIrderID()"$)
Wait For (CreateShopOrderID(attoken))Complete (shopOrderId As String)
Log("ShopOrderID: "&shopOrderId)
Dim AdrName As String = "ReceiverName"
Dim AdrLine1 As String = "ReceiverAddressLine1"
Dim AdrLine2 As String = "ReceiverAddressLine2"
Dim AdrPLZ As String = ReceiverPostCode"
Dim AdrOrt As String = "ReceiverCity"
Dim AdrLand As String = "ReceiverCountry (3-Character-code)"
' data holds the hole orderinformations.
Dim data As Map
data.Put("type","AppShoppingCartPNGRequest") ' Tyxpe of Order. Here we are ordering PNG-Files
data.Put("shopOrderId",shopOrderId) ' One order belongs to a shopOrderId which we got
' The Order can have multiple Positions.
' Even it is only one (like in this code) we have to use a List for it.
Dim positions As List
' =======================================================
' The position is a Map which hold all relevant information about the Position.
' productCode is the Product you want to buy.
' In this example i´m always using "Großbrief"
' for a receiver in DE it is productCode 21 and costs 1,80 €. -> 180 cent to count
' for a receiver in AT and CH it is productCode 10051 and costs 3,30 €. -> 330 cent to count
' a standard letter in germany for example would be productCode 1 with a cost of 0,95€ -> 95 cent to count
Dim position As Map
' Receiver country germany. Großbrief in this Case. Stamp of 1,80
If AdrLand = "DE" Then
position.Put("productCode",21) ' 01.01.2025;;21;N;Großbrief;1,80
data.Put("total",180) ' sum of Positions. Here only one position per order
' others Stamp of 3,30 for AT/CH
position.Put("productCode",10051) ' 01.01.2025;;10051;I;Großbrief Intern. GK;3,30
data.Put("total",330) ' sum of Positions. Here only one position per order
End If
data.Put("dpi","DPI300") ' DPI
data.Put("optimizePNG",True) ' Optimize PNG removes unnecceary margins
data.Put("createManifest",True) '
' address is a Map that holds the Sender- and Receiver-Informations
Dim address As Map
' Receiver
Dim adrreceiver As Map
adrreceiver.Put("addressLine1","Receiver Addressline 1")
If AdrLine2 <> "" Then
adrreceiver.Put("addressLine2",AdrLine2) ' only add addressLine2 it is is not empty
End If
adrreceiver.Put("postalCode","Receiver postcode")
adrreceiver.Put("city","Receiver City")
' In my Database i have addresses with DE, AT and CH als languagecodes.
' Internetmarke needs them as 3-Chars
' DE -> DEU
' AT -> AUT
' CH -> CHE
If AdrLand = "AT" Then
else if AdrLand = "CH" Then
End If
' Add receiver to addressmap
' Sender
Dim adrsender As Map
'adrsender.Put("additionalName","additional name")
adrsender.Put("addressLine1","Senderstreet No")
'adrsender.Put("addressLine2","") ' Only use if not empty
' add sender to addressmap
' add the addressmap to the Position
' This is the layout to be used. Honestly i only know "ADDRESS_ZONE" and
' "FRANKING_ZONE" but i would like to get more on this if one knows
' them :D
' mark the position as a AppShoppingCartPosition
' add the position to the positions-List
' add the List of positions to the Order
' Feed JSONGnerator with the ord-Map
Dim jgen As JSONGenerator
' and generate a JSON-String from it
Dim jsonstr As String= jgen.ToString
Dim job As HttpJob
job.PostString("", jsonstr)
job.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization",$"Bearer ${attoken}"$)
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
Dim shoppingcartresult As String = job.GetString
Log($"shoppingcartresult: ${shoppingcartresult}"$)
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim manifestLink As String = jRoot.Get("manifestLink")
Dim link As String = jRoot.Get("link")
Dim shoppingCart As Map = jRoot.Get("shoppingCart")
Dim shopOrderId As String = shoppingCart.Get("shopOrderId")
Dim path As String = $"Internetmarke\"$
Wait For (DownloadAndSave(link, File.Combine(File.DirApp,"Internetmarke"),$"Sandbox-${shopOrderId}.zip"$))Complete (success As Boolean)
Log($"Download ${$"Sandbox-${shopOrderId}.zip"$} success = ${success}"$)
Dim sh As Shell
' Shell/7-Zip command:
' - "sh": Event name, used later in "sh_ProcessCompleted" to read output
' - "cmd": Windows command interpreter to be run by Shell
' - "/c": Run a command or executable program
' - "7za.exe": Stand-alone 7-Zip program
' - "l": (Command) List contents of archive
' - "-slt": (Switch) Show technical information. Optional.
' - sFilePathName: File path including file name
sh.Initialize("sh", "cmd", Array As String("/c", "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe", "x", $"${File.Combine(File.DirApp,"Internetmarke")}\Sandbox-${shopOrderId}.zip"$))
' Directory containing '7za.exe'
sh.WorkingDirectory = File.Combine(File.DirApp,"Internetmarke") ' Same directory as the compiled JAR file
' Start the process
' Wait for the process to be completed, and read outputs
' "sh" in "sh_ProcessCompleted" must be the Event name defined in sh.Initialize("sh", ...)
Wait For sh_ProcessCompleted (success As Boolean, ExitCode As Int, StdOut As String, StdErr As String)
Log("sh_ProcessCompleted.Success: " & success)
Log("sh_ProcessCompleted.ExitCode: " & ExitCode)
Log("sh_ProcessCompleted.StdOut: " & StdOut)
Log("sh_ProcessCompleted.StdErr: " & StdErr)
Dim voucherList As List = shoppingCart.Get("voucherList")
For Each colvoucherList As Map In voucherList
Dim voucherId As String = colvoucherList.Get("voucherId")
If File.Exists(File.Combine(File.DirApp,"Internetmarke"),"0.png") Then
' File.Delete(File.Combine(File.DirApp,"Internetmarke"),$"Sandbox-${shopOrderId}.zip"$)
End If
'Dim trackId As String = colvoucherList.Get("trackId")
Dim walletBallance As Int = jRoot.Get("walletBallance")
Log($"New Balance = ${walletBallance} Cent"$)
Dim wallet As Double = walletBallance/100
Log($"New Balance = $3.2{wallet} €"$)
'Dim Type As String = jRoot.Get("type")
End If
I´ll stop this Post at this time.
I´ll post more related Tutorials in future
I´ve not found everything to configure but here we go.
At least i can work with what i have discovered so far.
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