When I'm reading DHT22 sensor with an ESP8266, if it is connected, gives the values, but if desconnected, don't return 0, continues with the last values measured...
What I'm doing wrong?
DHT22sensor1.Read22(DHT22pin1.PinNumber) 'Reading the DHT22 measure
hum1=NumberFormat (DHT22sensor1.GetHumidity,0,0) 'Get humidity from readed measure
temp1 =NumberFormat (DHT22sensor1.GetTemperature,0,0) 'Get temperature from readed measure
Hi, Vali!
thanks for your answer, but unfortunately this is the problem, it must return 0, and don´t...
Btw, I'm using DHT22.
Meanwhile, I'm changing the ESP8266 for a ESP32S, to see what happens.