English ist immer so mehrdeutig
Ich will wissen ob jemand eine Objekt Datenbank beruflich nutzt.
i will have this = ich will das haben
i will do this = ich will es tun
der Wille
"i would like to know..." ja klingt besser als "ich würde gerne wissen"
its not "key & value"
in a normal database u need tables and fields and references between tables. that is a fix struct.
you mean save object in a database
i think its more object serialization into binary or xml.
u can have a complex hierarchy of objects where each can have a list and in this list are other objects that have any kind of struct that u can use in c# or c++
example a 3d vector, its not a default data type of a ms sql database.
if u have a vector class that have x,y,z values
and u have a position a,position b you will end up in a flat struct
(btw code first did not work in ms enviroment)
so now you add a color into this vector class with red,green,blue
it will blow up your table-oriented design
i believe in a object database u can just add a object into this database and there is no predefined struct.
my prototype:
long ago i saved a complete invoice as object serialized xml into a ms sql database as single field. (serialized into binary is faster but not good after class changes)
load/save of thousands of invoices was very fast.
instead of sql querys i load all i want into memory and filter my data with the class propertys or methods.
to prevent edit of multiple users at the same time i made a owner mechanism.
import/export of data into file was also easy.
in simple
no worry of stupid table structs