b4a programmer
Erel had previously installed a CCTV source:
I edited these sources for further practice so that images from one client are sent in bytes to the server and from the server are sent to another client, and in another client the bytes are converted to images and in an image view to Live faces are displayed.
But the problem is that the bytes do not convert to the image properly and turn green, blue and red on the image.
I even ran Source Erel without tampering, and the images were the same on the b4j.
To further investigate the problem, I created an empty project for Android and inserted an image view, and the image was received from the phone's camera and converted to bytes, and I converted the bytes to the image again and displayed an image view on the same phone. But it was still a problem.
I came to the conclusion that the problem is not with the server and nothing happens in the client-to-server path for the data.
Either the image may not be converted to byte properly or the byte may not be converted to image properly.
To understand more, I leave a screenshot:
The image on the right is the result of converting bytes received from another phone's camera, but the received image displayed in the image view is not clear.
What is the problem and how can I fix it?
Please give full guidance. Thanks to Erel and the rest of the developers
Erel had previously installed a CCTV source:
[Server] CCTV Server
In a previous example we shown you how you can use B4J to create a desktop application that connects to a number of devices and shows the camera frames: B4J CCTV example In this example we implement a similar solution, however using the server framework the network related code is much simpler...
But the problem is that the bytes do not convert to the image properly and turn green, blue and red on the image.
I even ran Source Erel without tampering, and the images were the same on the b4j.
To further investigate the problem, I created an empty project for Android and inserted an image view, and the image was received from the phone's camera and converted to bytes, and I converted the bytes to the image again and displayed an image view on the same phone. But it was still a problem.
I came to the conclusion that the problem is not with the server and nothing happens in the client-to-server path for the data.
Either the image may not be converted to byte properly or the byte may not be converted to image properly.
To understand more, I leave a screenshot:
The image on the right is the result of converting bytes received from another phone's camera, but the received image displayed in the image view is not clear.
What is the problem and how can I fix it?
Please give full guidance. Thanks to Erel and the rest of the developers