Digital Diploma

Should there be digital diplomas after completed tests online?

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Besides I have never seen a fellow programmer showing off his hard earned programming skills on Linkedin with a diploma where it says 'B4X studies passed in SQL at Harward University for 7 years, phD level"...
I guess you get my point.


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I am very happy to see that the majority is positive about education. However with my project Athena, you won't need any diplomas.

Because Athena will bridge that gap for you, and since I am working on the multiuser accounts, it will be possible to post complete solutions.

So you don't really need any school or papers since software implants for humans is the future, and I am the one who started it all. Well I don't intend to turn you all into cybernetic cyborgs it's not what I'm talking about. It's more of a supportive cybernetic brain that will assist you, so I welcome you all to my surgery lol
System shock for real, so I take your vote with a smile :)


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The guy who said to me "So Roger, who are the best programmer? is that you?" he will feel embarrassed for life once Athena reaches billions of computers worldwide lol


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Because Cableguy assisted me, and he's the best programmer hahah :D


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I like the idea BUT it would have to be well "documented", like passing an "exam".

Some of the users here, me excluded, do not need this exam as their contributions here more than prove their skills, but I guess it would me nice to have a better, more knowledge based grade categories here in the forum. This alone would act like a "diploma"
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I'm glad that it was you who said it, because you have understood exacly the core in this idea.
A more organized way to learn B4X simply, it would could be followed up with an "exam", mainly for the sake of our own learning curve.
A discussion forum has its advantages, but it's not a formal education plan, more of an unstructered classroom were Cableguy needs to be silent haha
just kidding. We understand eachother really good and I'm happy for that.