I have a strange "problem". I don't want to track the responseSucess Event because I don't care much if the http query will be processed correctly or not. If you are interested - it's kinda Trial mode however mine is for statistics purposes and doesn't limit the use of applications.
So, I have a Code Module called Track
My problem is that there is no way to disable the responseSuccess event. I dunno why but B4A is still searching for it even if I pass "" as a parameter. The result java error reffers to the method "_responseSuccess" without any prefix variable.
I succeed in tricking B4A by defining httpClient11 as a Global Variable at every Activity module I have a call to Track.CallHome. Then, I just implement a blank httpClient1_responseSuccess event which does the trick.
I am not sure what would happen If we disable these java errors but they are very useful.
Erel, my two cents, check out this "bug" please.
I have a strange "problem". I don't want to track the responseSucess Event because I don't care much if the http query will be processed correctly or not. If you are interested - it's kinda Trial mode however mine is for statistics purposes and doesn't limit the use of applications.
So, I have a Code Module called Track
Sub CallHome(mode As String, additional As String)
If(Common.InternetEnabled) Then
Dim final_string, params As String
params = createUserData(mode, additional)
final_string = Common.activation_link & params
Common.httprequest1.Timeout = 50000
If Common.HttpClient1.Execute(Common.httprequest1, 1) = False Then
Return False
End If
Return False
End If
If(Common.debug_mode) Then
Common.LogT("Call Home: " & LastException, "")
End If
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Sub
My problem is that there is no way to disable the responseSuccess event. I dunno why but B4A is still searching for it even if I pass "" as a parameter. The result java error reffers to the method "_responseSuccess" without any prefix variable.
I succeed in tricking B4A by defining httpClient11 as a Global Variable at every Activity module I have a call to Track.CallHome. Then, I just implement a blank httpClient1_responseSuccess event which does the trick.
I am not sure what would happen If we disable these java errors but they are very useful.
Erel, my two cents, check out this "bug" please.