Android Question DJI library : FPV view


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I wanted to mod the DJI drone example in order to display two video streams to test my google cardboard as a "poor man" FPV DJI Googles.

DJI google.jpg

I tried to display twice the video :

    pnlCamera.AddView(camera.CreateVideoView, 0, 25%y, pnlCamera.Width/2, pnlCamera.Height/2)
    pnlCamera.AddView(camera.CreateVideoView, 50%x,25%y, pnlCamera.Width/2, pnlCamera.Height/2)

But does not work...

I tried to create a second camera :

    camera.Initialize("camera", aircraft)
    camera2.Initialize("camera2", aircraft)
    pnlCamera.AddView(camera.CreateVideoView, 0, 25%y, pnlCamera.Width/2, pnlCamera.Height/2)
    pnlCamera.AddView(camera2.CreateVideoView, 50%x,25%y, pnlCamera.Width/2, pnlCamera.Height/2)

As you can see only right image is there...

So please if you have an idea how I could do it... that's would be great !
Thanks in advance


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I tried this which is not working neither !

Dim myview As View
    Dim myview2 As View
    myview = camera.CreateVideoView
    myview2 = myview
    pnlCamera.AddView(myview, 0, 0, pnlCamera.Width, pnlCamera.Height)
    pnl2Camera.AddView(myview2, 0, 0, pnl2Camera.Width, pnl2Camera.Height)
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Well I have searched but found only 7 posts with "fpv" keyword.
None seems relevant...

May be this one : fpv footage via webRTC ?

Nothing specific to fpv mode into the camera classes either

So I am lost in space :(
But it should be possible as a few app on the googlePlay succeeeded to do it ! this one for example : VR Drone
But unfortunately headtracking is not working with it... and would be much better if coded with B4A :cool:
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I finally found a "solution" :

instead of struggling to get a stereo image, why not trying to use a single image FPV goggles ?

Here is a Mac Gyver's way to get one :)

But trust me it really works great !

See my design on thingiverse : Poor man's FPV goggles (2D version)

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