Android Tutorial DJI virtual stick-tutorial, waypoint- and hotpoint-mission for DJI Mini- and Air-series

After the release of the new grandiose DJI library and the preliminary work of freedom2000 and JordiCP in this thread

i decided to deal a little bit more with dji’s virtual stick and it wasn't as complicated as initially thought. There are a few things which must be taken into account for safety reasons, so it is better to make a tutorial instead of simple code snippets.

First it is important to understand the differences between missions and virtual stick and use them to evaluate the pros and cons:

Missions are executed on the aircraft itself. Once, a mission was planned, it will be uploaded to the drone where it will be executed without any command from the controller.
Theoretically, the missions are executed even if the connection to the controller is lost. (In practice, however, dji has integrated security scenarios with the behavior when signal lost.)

When using virtual stick, all control inputs comes from the controller. Each calculation is done by the software on the controller and only the control correction, which normaly is done from the pilot in manual mode, is send to the drone. To do that, your software has to check first the aircraft-data, for example getting the location, calculate the right correction and send this up to the aircraft.
This already shows the first disadvantage: There is a certain latency by constantly comparing the data.

Another disadvantage is, that once the virtual stick mode has been activated, the drone is no longer controllable over the real sticks. So you have to make sure, that you first could get control back at any time.
Also you have to set the emergency regulations like smart return home etc. which are almost part of the preconfigured dji missions.

On the other side, using virtual stick brings us a lot of advantages:

Virtual stick seems to be available for all drones which are supported from the used sdk and the code is always the same.
With virtual stick, we could currently make ‘waypoint-‘ and ‘follow me-missions’ for drones like

- DJI Mavic Air 2
- DJI Mavic Mini
- DJI Mini SE
- DJI Mini 2

even if they boards don’t support waypoint-missions.

We could use the same code also on

- DJI Mavic Pro
- DJI Mavic 2 (Zoom und Dual) etc.,

which board supports the missions.

I have testet it successfully on Mini 2, Air 2 and Mavic 2 Zoom.

Another advantage is, that virtual stick not only works in 'p-mode' like waypoint. It works in all modes, like 'sport' or 'tripod' with a maximum speed of 15 m/s. In vs-mode, the aircraft makes no difference between flight-modes. In this context it is important to know, that on the devices, which I have tested, the virtual stick mode will be stopped when changing the flightmode with the controller's hardwarebutton. You have to start the virtual stick-mode again in the new settings.
Otherwise the mode is very stable. For example, the normal followme-mission for the Mavic 2 will be interrupted, when the following gps-position is more then 30m removed from the last position. This is not the case in virtual stick mode which offers us numerous advantages because the object, which will be followed, could reach higher speeds.

To start virtual stick, we could use the following code. Erel’s dji-example is a very good base to start. The subs will refer to this example:

Sub Process_Globals
    Public sdk As DJISDKManager
    Private aircraft As DJIAircraft
    Private controller As DJIFlightController
    Private camera As DJICamera
    'We make an instance of the aircraft and flightcontroller for the later used javaobjects
    Dim AircraftInstance As JavaObject
    Dim FlightControllerInstance As JavaObject
End Sub

Sub AfterAircraftConnected
    'initialize it in this sub of Erel’s example:
    FlightControllerInstance=AircraftInstance.RunMethod("getFlightController", Null)
End Sub

Private Sub StartVirtualStick
    Dim callback As Object = FlightControllerInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "setvirtualstickcallback", Null)
    FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setVirtualStickModeEnabled",Array(True, callback))    'switch on/off the virtual joysticks

    Wait For (FlightControllerInstance) setvirtualstickcallback_Event (MethodName As String, args() As Object)
    If args(0) = Null Then
        Log("VirtualStickMode enabled!")
        Log("Error SetVirtualStickMode: " & args(0))
    End If
End Sub

It is nessecary to know, that it is possible to activate the vs-mode, when the drone is on the ground and the motors are off. This could be difficult, because you noticed it first after starting the motors manually. The drone starts and works autark emediatly. So it is nesseccary to make some checks first:

For example we could first check, if the aircraft is flying:

If controller.IsInitialized Then
    Dim St As DJIFlightControllerCurrentState = controller.CurrentState
    If St.Flying Then StartVirtualStick
End if

If we want to start a mission from the ground with only in 'switched-on'- state, we could first start the motors and after that we activate the virtual stick-mode. The drone will be started and follows the virtual stick commands:

Private Sub TurnMotorsOn
    Dim callback As Object = FlightControllerInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "motorsoncallback", Null)

    Wait For (FlightControllerInstance) motorsoncallback_Event (MethodName As String, args() As Object)
    If args(0) = Null Then
        Log("Motors on!")
        Log("Error motors on: " & args(0))
    End If
End Sub

Now, after starting the virtual stick-mode, we have to set the needed parameter to this mode. The most important thing to handle this mode as easy as possible is to set the virtual stick-advancedmode to 'true'. Under this mode, the aircraft is stabilized with the use of the flightsensors like gps etc. Wind and gusts are automatically compensated to hold the aircraft's position. Otherwise the effort will be too great for a stable fly.

After that we check, if the modes are available respectively activated. If that is the case, we set the different flightmodes for 'roll' and 'pitch', 'yaw' and 'vertical control'. There are different modes available with different effects. To lern more about the 'roll pitch control mode' and especially about 'virtual stick coordinate system', read the dji documentation under

I decided to use the 'rollpitch-mode' in 'VELOCITY' to make the settings in m/s, the yaw to 'ANGLE' and the vertical mode to 'POSITION' to set the aircrafts hight easily in meters. It is also very important to set 'rollpitchcoordinatesystem' to ‘BODY’, if you want to control the drone with the following subs. Some settings are the default settings of the aircraft, but to be sure and to show the way to switch the modes, I set and check them all in the following sub:

dim virtualStickAvailable, virtualStickAdvancedEnabled as boolean
Private Sub SetParameterVirtualStick
    FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setVirtualStickAdvancedModeEnabled", Array(True))
    virtualStickAvailable = FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("isVirtualStickControlModeAvailable", Null)
    virtualStickAdvancedEnabled = FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("isVirtualStickAdvancedModeEnabled", Null)
    Log($"virtual stick available: ${virtualStickAvailable}"$)
    Log($"virtual stick advanced enabled: ${virtualStickAdvancedEnabled}"$)
    If virtualStickAvailable And virtualStickAdvancedEnabled Then
        'Modes mit set manuell setzen und Ergebnis mit get zur Kontrolle auslesen :
        FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setRollPitchControlMode", Array("VELOCITY"))    'Roll und Nick in Meter pro Sekunden eingeben: Bereich -15m/s bis +15m/s (0=Stop)
        FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setYawControlMode", Array("ANGLE"))                'Richtung in Abhängigkeit vom Norden in Grad eingeben: Bereich -180 bis +180 (0=Nord)
        FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setVerticalControlMode", Array("POSITION"))        'Höhe in Meter eingeben!
        FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setRollPitchCoordinateSystem", Array("BODY"))    'Koordinatensystem von der Lage der Drohne abhängig machen, da ansonsten Roll und Pitch von Nord anhängig sind!
        Dim RollPitchControlMode As String = FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("getRollPitchControlMode", Null)
        Log("RollPitchControlMode: "& RollPitchControlMode)
        Dim YawControlMode As String = FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("getYawControlMode", Null)
        Log("YawControlMode: " & YawControlMode)
        Dim VerticalControlMode As String = FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("getVerticalControlMode", Null)
        Log("VerticalControlMode: " & VerticalControlMode)
        Dim RollPitchCoordinateSystem As String = FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("getRollPitchCoordinateSystem", Null)
        Log("RollPitchCoordinateSystem: " & RollPitchCoordinateSystem)
        TimerVirtualStick.enabled = True
        TimerVirtualStick.enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

To send the virtual stick command to our aircraft, we start a timer. DJI says, virtual stick commands should be sent to the aircraft between 5 Hz and 25 Hz. I testet it successful with a timer of 50 ms.

TimerVirtualStick.Initialize("TimerVirtualStick", 50)

Before we get to the real mission, we need to do some more saftey settings. To stop the vs-mode as fast as possible we check, if there is an real stick input from the pilot. If so, we stop the vs-mode. It is also possible to make a stop-button, but you can’t get back the control better than over the real sticks. In der HardwareState_Event, i stop the vs-mode by actuation of the right stick:

Sub CreateHardwareStateListener
    Dim RemoteController As JavaObject = aircraft
    RemoteController = RemoteController.RunMethod("getRemoteController", Null)
    Dim callback As Object = RemoteController.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.remotecontroller.HardwareState$HardwareStateCallback", "HardwareState", Null)
    RemoteController.RunMethod("setHardwareStateCallback", Array(callback))
End Sub

Sub HardwareState_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
    Dim HardwareState As JavaObject = Args(0)
    Dim c1button As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getC1Button", Null)
    Dim IsClicked As Boolean = c1button.RunMethod("isPresent", Null) 'ignore

    If TimerVirtualStick.Enabled=True Then
        Dim Lstick As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getLeftStick", Null)
        Dim Lhoriz As Int = Lstick.RunMethod("getHorizontalPosition", Null)
        Dim Lvert As Int = Lstick.RunMethod("getVerticalPosition", Null)
        Log($"left stick H value: ${Lhoriz}"$)    '-660 bis +660
        Log($"left stick V value: ${Lvert}"$)    '-660 bis +660
        Dim Rstick As JavaObject = HardwareState.RunMethod("getRightStick", Null)
        Dim Rhoriz As Int = Rstick.RunMethod("getHorizontalPosition", Null)
        Dim Rvert As Int = Rstick.RunMethod("getVerticalPosition", Null)
        Log($"right stick H value: ${Rhoriz}"$)
        Log($"right stick V value: ${Rvert}"$)
        If Rhoriz<>0 Or Rvert<>0 Then StopVirtualStick    'Beim Betätigen des rechten Sticks VS aufheben!
    End If

    Return Null
End Sub

In my tests, the stop works all the time, but it is also possible to make a callback and check, if the vs-mode is realy stopped. If not, you can stop it again and again.

Private Sub StopVirtualStick
    FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setVirtualStickModeEnabled",Array(False, Null))    'switch on/off the virtual joysticks
    FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setVirtualStickAdvancedModeEnabled", Array(False))
    TimerVirtualStick.enabled = False
End Sub

Then we need more security settings: With the following subs, we could check and set the failsafe-behavior of the aircraft. This is impossible, if the controller looses the signal to the aitcraft. We could set the following modes:


If we set it to HOVER, we have to try to get back the signal. If that doesn’t work, the aircraft will land if the battery is emty. So the safest solution is to GO_HOME. It is a mater of taste and depending on the purpose:

Private Sub SetConnectionFailSafeBehavior(FailSafeMode As String)
    Dim callback As Object = FlightControllerInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "failsafebehaviorcallback", Null)
    FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("setConnectionFailSafeBehavior", Array(FailSafeMode,callback))

    Wait For (FlightControllerInstance) failsafebehaviorcallback_Event (MethodName As String, args() As Object)
    If args(0) = Null Then
        Log("Set FailSafeBehavior to: " & FailSafeMode)
        Log("Error setting FailSafeBehavior: " & args(0))
    End If
End Sub

'Check the failsafe-settings with this sub:
Private Sub GetConnectionFailSafeBehavior
    Dim callback As Object = FlightControllerInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallbackWith", "getfailsafebehaviorcallback", Null)
    FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("getConnectionFailSafeBehavior", Array(callback))
    Wait For (FlightControllerInstance) getfailsafebehaviorcallback_Event (MethodName As String, args() As Object)
    Dim GetFailSafeBehavior As String =args(0)
    Log("GetFailSafeBehavior: " & GetFailSafeBehavior)
End Sub

Next is the smartreturnhome-feature: If smart-rth is set to 'true', the aircraft comes back to the home postion, if the battery capacity is just enough for the fly back home. This feature is supported by mavic 2, air2 etc., but seems not to be available under the mini 2.

I also did not have checked yet, if the smart-rth is triggered in the virtual stick-mode, after signal is lost and the failsavebehavior is set to 'HOVER'.

In this context, don’t forget to set the gohome-height:

If controller.IsInitialized Then
        'RTH-Höhe setzen:
        Dim sf As Object = controller.SetGoHomeHeightInMeters(manager.GetString("flytoalt"))
        Wait For (sf) controller_Result (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String)
        If Success Then
            Dim currentstate As DJIFlightControllerCurrentState
            Log("RTH-Höhe:" & currentstate.GoHomeHeight)
            Log("Error: " & ErrorMessage)
        End If
End if

Now, we made all settings and we could send the vs-commands to fly to a waypoint:

Dim AutoFLightSpeed As Int = 15  'max speed in vs-mode
Dim VSLocation As Location
VSLocation.Initialize2(gmap.CameraPosition.Target.Latitude, gmap.CameraPosition.Target.Longitude)     'We could fly to a point of the map

Sub TimerVirtualStick_Tick
End Sub

This sub is constructed in such a way that the aircraft will first get the approach height before making a roll or pitch move to protect the aircraft against collisions. During the ascent, the drone will correct the direction to the waypoint. After reaching the height, the drone will roll with the autoflight speed (max. 15m/s) to the waypoint while always correcting the direction to the target. So as not to fly over the target, we have to reduce the speed in time. If the distance to the target is smaller than 60 meters, the maximum speed may only be a quarter of the distance. If the distance is near than 2 meters, we set the speed to 0 an stop the vs-mode. I made several tests with strong headwind and crosswind and all testet aircrafts have always reached the targets exactly.

Sub WayPointVirtualStick(WPLocation As Location)
    Dim mRoll As Float = 0
    Dim mYaw As Float = 0
    Dim St As DJIFlightControllerCurrentState = controller.CurrentState
    Dim DroneLocation As Location
    DroneLocation.Initialize2(St.AircraftLocation.Latitude, St.AircraftLocation.Longitude)
    Dim VirtualStickBearing As Float = DroneLocation.BearingTo(WPLocation)
    Dim VirtualStickDistance As Float = DroneLocation.DistanceTo(WPLocation)
    Dim VirtualStickAltitudeDifference As Double = Abs(Round(DroneLocation.Altitude)-WPLocation.Altitude)
    Select True
        Case VirtualStickAltitudeDifference>1
        Case Abs(St.Attitude.Yaw-VirtualStickBearing)>5
        Case VirtualStickDistance>60
        Case VirtualStickDistance>2 And VirtualStickDistance<=60
            mRoll=Min(VirtualStickDistance/4, AutoFLightSpeed)
        Case Else
            'Do, what ever you want after reaching the waypoint:
            AddWayPointAction("GIMBAL_PITCH", "-90")
    End Select
    sendVirtualStickFlightControlData(0,mRoll, mYaw, WPLocation.Altitude)
End Sub

Sub sendVirtualStickFlightControlData(Pitch As Float, Roll As Float, Yaw As Float, Throttle As Float)
        Dim FlightControlData As JavaObject
        FlightControlData.InitializeNewInstance("dji.common.flightcontroller.virtualstick.FlightControlData", Array(Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Throttle) )
        FlightControllerInstance.RunMethod("sendVirtualStickFlightControlData",Array( FlightControlData, Null) )
    End Try
End Sub

After reaching the waypoint, it is easy to add a waypoint-action like 'go home', 'next waypoint' or some else.

In the same way, you can make an easy followme-mission by changing the VSLocation in the VirtualStick-timer dynamically. It is very impressive to see the mini 2 or air 2 following your position with an maximum speed of 54km/h.

The next thing to do is to make a hotpoint-mission. The first tests shows, that it is not realy simple. With constant speed and pitch , we could fly a beautiful circle in the simulator and with no wind. With wind, we have to adjust the speed and pitch. The parameter 'getmayangularvelocity',

Dim callback As Object=HotPointMissionControl.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallbackWith", "getmaxangularvelocitycallback", Null)
HotPointMissionControl.RunMethod("getMaxAngularVelocityForRadius", Array(RadiusAufklaerung,callback))
Wait For (HotPointMissionControl) getmaxangularvelocitycallback_Event (MethodName As String, args() As Object)
Dim MaxAngularVelocity As Float = args(0)

, which is only available inside the dji hotpointmission-control suggests, that dji seems to include the weight of each aircraft. So i don’t know, if it is possible to do it only with virtual stick commands.

To test all the features, the simulator is still a good solution before flying outdoor.

I hope that the subject of drones will continue to be promoted here, because the future range of dji is very impressive.
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In the same way, you can make an easy followme-mission by changing the VSLocation in the VirtualStick-timer dynamically. It is very impressive to see the mini 2 or air 2 following your position with an maximum speed of 54km/h.
For the sake of completeness, here a solution for a followme-sub, which works for me.
We have to consider three things:

First, we have to change our dynamic postion in the virtualstick-timer.

Sub TimerVirtualStick_Tick
    Dim VSLocation As Location
    VSLocation.Initialize2(gmap.MyLocation.Latitude, gmap.MyLocation.Longitude)     'we use our own location of the googlemaps-instance
End Sub

Next is, not to fly exactily to your own position because if the aircraft is right above you, it will fly wildly in circles. In the following example, the nose of the aircraft is always in the direction of your location. So it is better to keep a bit distance and the aircraft is always properly aligned. The distance should be at least 5 meter up to 50 meters (see the variable 'FollowMeDistance'.

In addition, we always set the speed at the beginning of the sub to 0 (=mRoll). I have testet it and it is a good solution. When your followed postion changes a lot, the select case block ensured that the aircraft only changes the direction, but not the speed. If there are several changes of direction, the drone could fly over the target and does not reduce speed. With setting the speed to 0, the aircraft will reduce speed smoothly during yawing more than 5 degrees and accelerate again after getting the new course. That ensures also, that the aircraft does not drift off to much:

Dim AutoFLightSpeed As Int = 15  'max speed in vs-mode
Dim FollowMeAltitude As Float=45
Dim FollowMeDistance As Int=5

Sub FollowMeVirtualStick(WPLocation As Location)
    Dim mRoll As Float = 0
    Dim mYaw As Float = 0
    Dim St As DJIFlightControllerCurrentState = controller.CurrentState
    Dim DroneLocation As Location
    DroneLocation.Initialize2(St.AircraftLocation.Latitude, St.AircraftLocation.Longitude)
    Dim VirtualStickBearing As Float = DroneLocation.BearingTo(WPLocation)
    Dim VirtualStickDistance As Float = DroneLocation.DistanceTo(WPLocation)
    Select True
        Case Abs(St.Attitude.Yaw-VirtualStickBearing)>5
        Case VirtualStickDistance>60
        Case VirtualStickDistance>FollowMeDistance And VirtualStickDistance<=60
            mRoll=Min(VirtualStickDistance/4, AutoFLightSpeed)
        Case Else
            'Ab xx Meter Abstand wird die Drohne gestoppt:

    End Select
    sendVirtualStickFlightControlData(0,mRoll, mYaw, FollowMeAltitude)
End Sub


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Greetings, I want to know how to declare this in my app , its indicates that it is an undeclared variable



AddWayPointAction("GIMBAL_PITCH", "-90")

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Greetings, reviewing your code I ask you, if I turn on the motors, the virtual mode is turned on and everything that is in the timer will be executed, the timer runs in a loop and what is inside is executed according to the virtual mode is or not activated, it is so


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AddWayPointAction is an own and simple sub, which regulates the waypointaction.
For a simple test, you could delete this call.
It's the same with SignalverlustState. It is only a global variable to save the state. Delete this line.

In the sub TurnMotorsOn, the virtualstick-mode is activated after a successful start.
At this time, the aircraft is waiting for virtualstick-commands and the real sticks are disabled until the hardwarestate_event recognized an moving stick...


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it is possible to put a general idea of this "sub AddWayPointAction" , thanks


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Greetings, I put this as I think you indicate (AircraftInstance and FlightControllerInstance)... but it does nothing ... the drone does not connect and does not take video

Sub AfterAircraftConnected

    If aircraft.CameraReady = False Or aircraft.BatteryReady = False Then
        Log("Camera / battery not ready")
        If aircraft.Connected Then AfterAircraftConnected
    End If
    controller.Initialize("controller", aircraft)
    Log($"simulator: ${controller.SimulatorStarted)}"$
    camera.Initialize("camera", aircraft)
    pnlCamera.AddView(camera.CreateVideoView, 0, 0, pnlCamera.Width, pnlCamera.Height)
    timer1.Enabled = True
    aircraftName = "N/A"
    Wait for (aircraft.GetName) Aircraft_ResultWithValue (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String, Value As Object)
    If Success Then
        aircraftName = Value
    End If
'    ............
    AircraftInstance=aircraft  '(((((((------------
    FlightControllerInstance=AircraftInstance.RunMethod("getFlightController", Null) '(((((((------------
'    ..........

End Sub
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it is possible to put a general idea of this "sub AddWayPointAction" , thanks

Here a simple example for some waypointactions:

Dim CameraInstance As JavaObject       'put it in Process_Globals
CameraInstance=AircraftInstance.RunMethod("getCamera", Null)   'put it in AfterAircraftConnected

Sub AddWayPointAction(Action As String, Parameter As String)
    Select Action
        Case "NO_ACTION"
            Log("No action waypoint!")
        Case "GO_HOME"
        Case "GIMBAL_PITCH"
        Case "START_VIDEO"
    End Select
End Sub

Sub RotateGimbal (pitch As Float)
    Dim aircraftjo As JavaObject = aircraft
    Dim gimbal As JavaObject = aircraftjo.RunMethod("getGimbal", Null)
    If gimbal.IsInitialized Then
        Dim callback As Object = gimbal.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "rotategimbalcallback", Null)
        gimbal.RunMethod("rotate", Array(CreateRotation(pitch), callback))
        Wait For (gimbal) rotategimbalcallback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        If Args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Gimbal rotated successfully.")
        End If
        Log("Gimbal not available.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub CreateRotation (PitchAngle As Float) As JavaObject
    Dim builder As JavaObject
    builder.InitializeNewInstance("dji.common.gimbal.Rotation.Builder", Null)
    Dim time As Double = 0 'seconds
    builder.RunMethod("mode", Array("ABSOLUTE_ANGLE"))
    builder.RunMethod("time", Array(time))
    builder.RunMethod("pitch", Array(PitchAngle))
    Return builder.RunMethodJO("build", Null)
End Sub

Private Sub StartReturnHome
    If controller.IsInitialized Then
        Dim sf As Object = controller.GoHomeStart
        Wait For (sf) Controller_Result (Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String)
        If Success Then
            Log("Go home!!!!")
            Log("Error: " & ErrorMessage)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub StartVideo
    If CameraInstance.IsInitialized Then
        Dim callback As Object = CameraInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "setmodecallback", Null)
        CameraInstance.RunMethod("setMode", Array("RECORD_VIDEO", callback))
        Wait For (CameraInstance) setmodecallback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        If Args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Camera mode set to RECORD_VIDEO")
            Log("Failed to set camera mode:" & Args(0))
        End If
        Dim callback2 As Object= CameraInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "recordcallback", Null)
        CameraInstance.RunMethod("startRecordVideo", Array(callback2))
        Wait For (CameraInstance) recordcallback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        If Args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Aircraft is recording!!!")
            Log("Failed to start recording: " & Args(0))
        End If
    end if
end sub


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Thank you very much I appreciate it, tomorrow I will try it.

I said that in effect the Erel example works correctly for me, but when I add (AircraftInstance and FlightControllerInstance) the program it does not crash, but there are no commands between the application and the dji phantom pro v1, there is no video and there is no data...

Sub AfterAircraftConnected

  Erel fine me
'    ............ if i put it , Erel code dont work
    AircraftInstance=aircraft  '(((((((------------
    FlightControllerInstance=AircraftInstance.RunMethod("getFlightController", Null) '(((((((------------
'    ..........

End Sub

In any case tomorrow I will do more tests , for now thank you very much

....days after .....

--- AircraftInstance--FlightControllerInstance--

I look that I have my application in bx4mainpages and for some reason it only works by putting this above the erel code...I don't know why but it works
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Greetings, thanks for the code, I have already tried it and it works very well .... you have to be careful because the drone starts immediately, i separate some parts of the code so that this works once it is in the air and not from the ground.

SetParameterVirtualStick (in a button)

....imagine the scare because my take off site is under trees with electric cables, but I know how it
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It would be possible that you can implement code for rotation of the drone and take photos for actions at the mission points.
schimanski, really thank you very much for your time and your codes
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Automatic take off. It will only be triggered, if the motors ar off:

Private Sub StartTakeOff
    If FlightControllerInstance.IsInitialized Then
        Dim callback As Object = FlightControllerInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "takeoffcallback", Null)

        Wait For (FlightControllerInstance) takeoffcallback_Event (MethodName As String, args() As Object)
        If args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Error take off: " & args(0))
        End If
    End If
End Sub


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Greetings, thank you very much for the takeoff code, excuse me, I said that if you could implement the drone rotation code and take photos, but I know you are busy, it would be fine when you can, thank you anyway for your help

tks Jordic, freedom2000


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It would be possible that you can implement code for rotation of the drone and take photos for actions at the mission points

With the following code, you could take one picture at a waypoint. There are different modes for photos. The default mode is SINGLE. If you want to set other modes, look here:

Sub AddWayPointAction(Action As String, Parameter As String)
    Select Action
        Case "NO_ACTION"
            Log("No action waypoint!")
        Case "GO_HOME"
        Case "GIMBAL_PITCH"
        Case "START_VIDEO"
         Case "SHOOT_PHOTO

    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub ShootPhoto  
    If CameraInstance.IsInitialized Then
        Dim callback As Object = CameraInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "setmodecallback", Null)
        CameraInstance.RunMethod("setMode", Array("SHOOT_PHOTO", callback))

        Wait For (CameraInstance) setmodecallback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        If Args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Camera mode set to SHOOT_PHOTO")
            Log("Failed to set camera mode:" & Args(0))
        End If
        Dim callback2 As Object= CameraInstance.CreateEventFromUI("dji.common.util.CommonCallbacks$CompletionCallback", "photocallback", Null)
        CameraInstance.RunMethod("startShootPhoto", Array(callback2))
        Wait For (CameraInstance) photocallback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
        If Args(0) = Null Then
            Log("Shot photo!")
            Log("Failed to shoot photo: " & Args(0))
        End If
    End If
End Sub

It works well with the Mavic 2. I did' not tested it with the Air 2, but it should work. It does not work with the mini 2. I get the message, that it is not supported. I don't know why, but i don't have time enough at the moment to test it.

What do you mean with rotation of the drone? If you want to rotate around the vertical axis, you could use the vs-code above and change the yaw.
If you mean something like hotpoint, it will take some more time to program it properly. My tests so far have not provided any reasonable results.
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Greetings, again I thank you very much, now I can continue my application, very grateful


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I've spended a little bit time to check, if it is possible to fly a reasonably usable hotpoint (POI) over virtual sticks. The following solution may not be perfect, but it works with light to moderate wind and flies very smooth. The sub checks the distance to the hotpoint (=HPRadius) and if the difference is too big, the system adjusts the rolling speed. With the pitch, i made a compromise with up to the topspeed of 15m/s, when the radius of the hotpoint ist up to 75 meters and more. I have tested ist in the simulator and real with the Mavic 2 Zoom, Air 2 and Mini 2. With stronger wind, the device will stop the pitch-speed and fly back to the track before accelerating again.
I think, that it could be possible to make minor adjustments to the pitch, to achieve even better results.

Starting point is again our sub TimerVirtualStick_Tick. For test, we call the new HotPointVirtualStick-sub with the desired parameters (location of the hotpoint and the

Dim VSLocation As Location
VSLocation.Initialize2(gmap.CameraPosition.Target.Latitude, gmap.CameraPosition.Target.Longitude)     'We could fly to a point of the map

Sub TimerVirtualStick_Tick
    HotPointVirtualStick(VSLocation, 50)        'First, we could use a radius from 50 meters
End Sub

Sub HotPointVirtualStick(HPLocation As Location, HPRadius As Int)

    Dim mPitch As Float=0
    Dim mRoll As Float=0
    Dim mYaw As Float=0
    Dim mThrottle As Float=0
    Dim St As DJIFlightControllerCurrentState = controller.CurrentState
    Dim DroneLocation As Location
    DroneLocation.Initialize2(St.AircraftLocation.Latitude, St.AircraftLocation.Longitude)
    Dim VirtualStickBearing As Float = DroneLocation.BearingTo(HPLocation)
    Dim VirtualStickDistance As Float = DroneLocation.DistanceTo(HPLocation)
    Dim AltitudeDifference As Double = Abs(Round(DroneLocation.Altitude)-HPLocation.Altitude)
    If AltitudeDifference>2 Then
        If Abs(VirtualStickDistance - HPRadius)> 10 Then
            mPitch= 0
            mPitch=Min(15, (HPRadius/5))
        End If
        If Abs(VirtualStickDistance - HPRadius)> 0.2 Then
            mRoll =Min(15, (VirtualStickDistance - HPRadius)/4)
            mRoll = 0
        End If
    End If
    sendVirtualStickFlightControlData(-mPitch, mRoll, mYaw, mThrottle)
End Sub

The sup first takes the operational height, flies than to the hotpoint-startpositition and circles the hotpoint permanently. If you want to stop after one round, save the bearing to hotpoint-location and stop virtual sticks, after the device reached the bearing again.

It should also be easy to take pictures regularly. Save the location of the drone in a variable and check the actual position of the drone in the TimerVirtualStick_Tick. If the distance to the old location and the new one is more than perhaps 10 meters, take a picture and save the new location.
I think, it should be possible to make a photo serie with orbit of the same point with different height or radius to create a 3d model with Metashape or simular. It would be worth a try...
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Having a Mini 2 which seems unable to work with waypoints, this is promising but I failed in constructing a complete app just by adding the subs to Erel's example. Is it possible to publish a complete example (just to go to a waypoint, after the bird is airborne) ?
Thanks !
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