DLL Version listings...


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To All the Forum Users

To All The Forum Users

I'ed like to start by apologising for the huge delay in updating the Dll Listing thread.

I thank you all for your patience, and re-enforce my comitment in maintaining this thread as up-to-date as possible...

Hope you can understand, my life is on a wirlpool at the moment, and I am trying to get out of it and find my own path...

All I can say is what I have always stated...
My comitment to this comunity is above question, and I would never have started this thread if I did not intent to maintain it.
However, the Up-To-Date state of it is as much your responsability as it is mine. I cannot come every day to the forum searching for dll changes.
@ The Developers, Please, report the changes made, the new dll added, etc...It will be easier to catch-up in case of delay on my part.
@ All Other Users - Please report any broken, or misleading links.
If you like the thread, if you find it usefull, please post some words...
No-one likes to feel that the work that they do is taken for granted.

Thank you all.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, Cableguy:

You are right.

I often use your post and look for information in the forum and I never post to say: "Thanks".


Cableguy, thanks for your help and your Dll post.

Erel, thanks for Basic4ppc and your help.

Sir Andrew Graham, thanks for your libraries and your help.

Forum users: Thank you all


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We all do appreciate the order you put to all this giant creation, and excuse us for not helping you with it.
So here is what I added lately:
Statebutton - A button which changes its state and text every click.
DateConvert - converting dates from Gregorian or Julian calendars to Hebrew calendar, and vice versa.
Matrix - provides means to perform mathematical operations between matrices (= arrays of dimension one or two ), on matrices and with scalars.
Astro - Calculates Sunrise and sunset times, Moonrise and Moonset times and the Moonphase.

Thanks again :)


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Longtime User
Hi Paulo,

For me the thread 'DLL version listing' is an essential thread in this forum !!!
I use it very often to make shure that the library versions I have are really uptodate or to load the latest libraries I didn't use before.
Thank's for your time to maintain this thread.

Best regards.


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Longtime User
Thank you all for your words of apreciation, it has meant a lot...
Special Thanks to the DLL developers, I would never have thouht that this thread is also a tool fro you guys...
Erel, this may be the most visited thread in the forum, but I cannot agrre that this is the most important one...
This thread only refers to the real important threads, that contain the ral works...I only list it...

Derez, welcome to the developers club!

The list is now up to date.


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Longtime User
Back from vacations

Hi Guys, in the last two weeks, I've been on vacation, and though I've managed to come to the forum, for some Q&A, I have not yet updated this thread with the latest DLL's...

Still, The same thing happens agin..there are new DLL's or new versions of existing DLL's, but only AGraham and Derz took the time to report his work...
SO I re-instate:

The acuuracy and Up-to-Date Status of this thread depends as much in the developers as in me.
Prompt me with any changes you see needed in the thread!

The Thread is now Up-To-Date, as far as the changes for wich I've been propted to...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I want to apologize to the forum members and dll developers, for my delay on up-dating this listing and other threads...
I recently broke my TWO arms, on a bike fall, and been un-anble to use the computer as freely as I would have liked to.
I am recovering nicely, and have already took the cast off, so now is only a matter of patience, and fisiotherapy...
I will update all threads I am responsable for, as soon as I am fisically able, and my schedulle allows it.

Thank you all for your patience with me.
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Longtime User
I am comming back, as of tomorow!!!

Thank you all for your patience with me...


Licensed User
Longtime User
HI guys!

As I promised yesterday, This Thread is UP TO DATE, as far as the PM's I received from the developers...
If there is something missing, or any broken links, or even any Description update you want to do, please PM me.
I cannot stress this enought, this thread is as usefull as the info it contains...
Due to some health issues, it was a bit out-dated, but I can promise that this should never happen again.

Thanks for the support PM's I've received, or the lack of them...
They kept this comunity on my mind, and reminded me of the work and effort I've placed here.


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Longtime User
YES PEOPLE....Basic4PPC Still moves....Agraham has released a new Lib...check it out!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Due to some personal issues, I will no longer be able to provide the same speedy response as I did, specially on weekends....
My "On-line" time will mostly be during lunch time at work, in week-days....

I am sorry for any inconvinience and delay that this may bring...

No problem for me, but if you get a chance it would be good to remove the apparent "Desktop" limitation from the Clipboard.dll because it does work on devices.
