B4J Question Does anyone know how to coax a bit more information than this ...


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I have a rather large B4J App in progress and it stubbornly issues the following when I try to run it

B4J Version: 10.00
Parsing code. Error
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index

There is no specified argument flagged.
I, of course, have looked at every occurrence of the word 'index' and backed out of all recent additions but to no avail.
My only recourse is, I suppose to build the whole thing up piece by piece until the offending part is located but I am hoping for a bit of easier method.
Thanking all in advance for Your ideas.
This problem is that you have defined the nde twice,a type nde and a class nde. comment or remove this Type nde(x As Int, y As Int, g As Int, h As...


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Longtime User
Check any lines starting with # in the Project Attributes section.
Check your paths in Tools>Configure Paths.
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Longtime User
The entire project is too large to upload
You can upload to an online cloud storage and share the link with Erel, it will be probably easier for him helping you this way
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Longtime User
If you like you can send me the complete project and I'll check it.
Thanks for the very kind offer but the power of the forum is displayed again and the cause has been identified so I am removing the link. Thank You.
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Try moving some of the code to other modules, there is so much code in the main class I don't think the IDE can index it all.

The reason I say this is 'find all occurances'(F7) is returning nothing.

Also there are many duplicate variable definitions (MainForm for example appears more than once).
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This problem is that you have defined the nde twice,a type nde and a class nde. comment or remove this Type nde(x As Int, y As Int, g As Int, h As Int, f As Int, parent As nde) on line 488 in Main
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This problem is that you have defined the nde twice,a type nde and a class nde. comment or remove this Type nde(x As Int, y As Int, g As Int, h As Int, f As Int, parent As nde) on line 488 in Main
You are absolutely correct. Thank You so very much. There are a few other items that needed correction but you hit the nail squarely on the head. I have no excuses other than saying I should have known better.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You have a good idea, the code has grown too large to be able to manage efficiently and should be broken up. This bit of program is only a tool to generate files for a B4i application and not an end user product so I guess I have been a bit too cavalier about the code.
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