In this thread i will put a list to all my libraries. Hopefully i did not forget one (or more) ![Smile :) :)]()
1. Storage
2. pdfRenderer - Create your own PDF viewer
3. TextDrawable
4. HTML TextView
5. MatchView
6. ViewTagger
7. MaskedImageView
8. TimePicker(deprecated)
9. ValueBar
10. RoundImage
11. SwipeToDismiss any view
12. SignPad V0.20 - Signature Capture - incl Java source
13. ProcessButton
14. NumberProgressBar
15. MaterialRangeBar
16. Holo ColorPicker
17. SlideSwitch
18. Lock9View
19. MultiSelectSpinner
20. BadgeView - Add Badges to your views
21. msStickerView
21. FancyButton
22. MarkView
23. msEmoji
24. CropImageView
25. IconButton
26. AutoCompleteContactTextView
27. CreditsRollView
28. Datepicker Dialog
29. Decrypter - De-/Encrypt String to base64 (including compatible php code to de/Encrypt)
30. [Chargeable] MSMariaDB - Another connector to MySQL
31. ProgressWheel
32. CircleTimerView
33. UniversalImageLoader
34.[chargeable] MSMySQL - Yet another MySQL-Library (but a FAST one
35. GoogleProgressBar
36. MaterialCircleProgress
37. UltimateServersControl
38.[chargeable]PDF-View - Show PDF files in your own app
39. Velocimeter
40. bcMaterial - a community Material wrapper - open source
41. LicenseView
42. AnimatedSwitch
43. Mask
44. 1000 Material Icons in the color you need
45. Drobox API V2 HTTP
46. FlyTextView
47. AndroidContentProviders
48. WhorlView
49. AnimatedCheckbox V1.0
50. CountDownTimerView V1.0
51. HeartLayout V1.0
52. TagView V1.0.0
53. SegmentedBarView V1.0.0
54. MaterialFavoriteButton V1.0.0
55. Tutorial: Using app deeplinking in your app
56.DebugOverlay V1.0.0 Discontinued. A better alternative can be found here.
57. SnakeView V1.0.0
58. LoadingIdicatorView V1.0.0
59. DownloadProgressView V1.0.0
60. Permutation V1.0.0
61. CircleLoadingView V1.0.0
62. IconicFontEngine
63. VerbalExpressions V1.0.0
64. AnimatedGIFEncoder
65. ColorSeekBar V1.0.0
66. ShortcutBadger V1.0.0
67. Iconify V1.0.0 (*6)
68. Floating Menu Button (FAM) and Floating Action Button (FAB)
69. SignatureCaptureDialog
70. ViewAnimations
71. BottomNavigation
72. SwitchButton
73. MaterialLockView
74. StickerView2
75. libStreaming
76. MaterialBarcodeScanner
77. XZingOrient
78. SweetAlertDialog
79. IndoorMap V1.0.0
80. PDF-Viewer lib by Icefairy333 reworked by DonManfred
81. ScratchView (*6)
82. ImageEffects
83. EasyVideoPlayer
84. FaceOffToggleButton
85. MarqueeView
86. Firebase RemoteConfig (*6)
87. MaterialDialogs (*6)
88. JellyToggleButton (*6)
89. StepView (*6)
90. 13 LoadingViews
91. Material DateTimePicker Dialogs (*6)
92. SimpleToolTip (*6)
93. ShowHidePasswordEditText (*6)
94. CodeView (*6)
95. ExoPlayerTextureView (*6)
96. NumericEdittext (*6)
97. VectorDrawables
98. SecureMyText
99. PrettyTime
100. FilePickerDialog (*6)
101. EmoijIX
102. Firebase RealtimeDatabase
103. Google Maps Ripple Effect
104. HashGirl
105. Onyx
106. SpaceNavigation
107. LowPoly
108. CloudRail Cloud-Storage
109. ParaCamera
110. VectorCompat (MorphButton) (*6)
111. FireaseAuthEx
112. MaterialDialogsV7
113. MapScaleView
114. UsageStatsManager
115. Selfie - Make Screenshot of your own app
116. Frisson
117. Verso - Offline Reverse geo
118. Dropbox JAVA SK V2
119. MaterialDrawer
120. GoogleMapStyler
121. Android Support ExifInterface
122. FoldingCell
123. AdvancedWebview
124. PDF - Create PDF file with android.jar built-in methods.
125. NotificationBadge
126. ChatMessageView
127. Check App Version on Googleplay
128. Lottie
129. CircularProgress
130. ImageSlider
131. SwipeCardView
132. CropIWA
133. PasscodeView
134. Oblique
135. LEDView
136. DJI Drones UI 2.5
137. GeoFire
138. Droppy
139. PhilipsHUE SDK
140. MultiPhotoPicker
141. MobileVision - Barcodescanning, Facerecognition and ORC using Google Vision
142. CameraView
143. Firebase AppInvite
144. Spark
145. APW (Android PDF writer)
146. PanoramaImageView
147. Firebase UI Auth
148. AppShortcut-Helper - Create dynamic AppShortcuts (Api 25 Android 7.1 needed)
149. RSS Parser
150. SimplePGP
151. Add your own StickerPacks to Whatsapp - Sticker4W
152. GeoLocation
153. External Logger (using Room-Database)
154. IPCamView (an Imageview which can stream MPG Video)
155. GoogleFitnessApiClient
156. Casty - Cast Videos to Google Cast Devices
157. Couple Calendar
158. SMS Retriever Api
159. PDF-View based on Pdfium
160. jcifs-ng SMB Client (SMB2)
161. Figlet - Create ASCII-Art using "Fonts"
162. CameraKit
163. Linker
164.[chargeable] Firebase (Cloud)Firestore
165- DatalogicSDK for Datalogic Scanner beta
166. Firebase ML-Vision Live detection of Texts, Barcodes, Imagelabeling, Faces and Facecontours.
167. [Chargeable] Firebase MLVision Translate
168. BCrypt - Create Saltes Hashes (compatible with PHP)
169. aPOI a Android wrap for jPOI
170. Amazon Device Messaging (ADM)
Libs marked with "(*6)" needs B4A 6+ cause the lib uses features of V6. aar format for example
wrapping a small an easy Library (Video)
B4J Libraries:
1. jPermutation
2. jVerbalExpressions
3. jShortcut V1.0.0 - Create Shelllinks on windows.
4. jToggleSwitch V1.0.0
5. FirebaseRealtimeDatabase4J
6. HUE4j - Control your Philips HUE system from your B4J app
7. SimplePGP4j
8. Dropbox SDK V2
9. jTelegramBot - Write your own Bot for Telegram.
10. B4J jcifs-ng SMB Client (SMB2)
11. BCrypt - Create Saltes Hashes (compatible with PHP)
12. PDFBox beta - Creating PDF with AcroForm, reading AcroForm Values, manipulating AcroForm values.
13. GoogleCalendar Api.
Google - Material Iconpack >1480 Icons in different resolutions
1. Storage
2. pdfRenderer - Create your own PDF viewer
3. TextDrawable
4. HTML TextView
5. MatchView
6. ViewTagger
7. MaskedImageView
8. TimePicker(deprecated)
9. ValueBar
10. RoundImage
11. SwipeToDismiss any view
12. SignPad V0.20 - Signature Capture - incl Java source
13. ProcessButton
14. NumberProgressBar
15. MaterialRangeBar
16. Holo ColorPicker
17. SlideSwitch
18. Lock9View
19. MultiSelectSpinner
20. BadgeView - Add Badges to your views
21. msStickerView
21. FancyButton
22. MarkView
23. msEmoji
24. CropImageView
25. IconButton
26. AutoCompleteContactTextView
27. CreditsRollView
28. Datepicker Dialog
29. Decrypter - De-/Encrypt String to base64 (including compatible php code to de/Encrypt)
31. ProgressWheel
32. CircleTimerView
33. UniversalImageLoader
35. GoogleProgressBar
36. MaterialCircleProgress
37. UltimateServersControl
39. Velocimeter
40. bcMaterial - a community Material wrapper - open source
41. LicenseView
42. AnimatedSwitch
43. Mask
44. 1000 Material Icons in the color you need
45. Drobox API V2 HTTP
46. FlyTextView
47. AndroidContentProviders
48. WhorlView
49. AnimatedCheckbox V1.0
50. CountDownTimerView V1.0
51. HeartLayout V1.0
52. TagView V1.0.0
53. SegmentedBarView V1.0.0
54. MaterialFavoriteButton V1.0.0
55. Tutorial: Using app deeplinking in your app
57. SnakeView V1.0.0
58. LoadingIdicatorView V1.0.0
59. DownloadProgressView V1.0.0
60. Permutation V1.0.0
61. CircleLoadingView V1.0.0
62. IconicFontEngine
63. VerbalExpressions V1.0.0
64. AnimatedGIFEncoder
65. ColorSeekBar V1.0.0
66. ShortcutBadger V1.0.0
67. Iconify V1.0.0 (*6)
68. Floating Menu Button (FAM) and Floating Action Button (FAB)
69. SignatureCaptureDialog
70. ViewAnimations
71. BottomNavigation
72. SwitchButton
73. MaterialLockView
74. StickerView2
75. libStreaming
76. MaterialBarcodeScanner
77. XZingOrient
78. SweetAlertDialog
79. IndoorMap V1.0.0
80. PDF-Viewer lib by Icefairy333 reworked by DonManfred
81. ScratchView (*6)
82. ImageEffects
83. EasyVideoPlayer
84. FaceOffToggleButton
85. MarqueeView
86. Firebase RemoteConfig (*6)
87. MaterialDialogs (*6)
88. JellyToggleButton (*6)
89. StepView (*6)
90. 13 LoadingViews
91. Material DateTimePicker Dialogs (*6)
92. SimpleToolTip (*6)
93. ShowHidePasswordEditText (*6)
94. CodeView (*6)
95. ExoPlayerTextureView (*6)
96. NumericEdittext (*6)
97. VectorDrawables
98. SecureMyText
99. PrettyTime
100. FilePickerDialog (*6)
101. EmoijIX
102. Firebase RealtimeDatabase
103. Google Maps Ripple Effect
104. HashGirl
105. Onyx
106. SpaceNavigation
107. LowPoly
108. CloudRail Cloud-Storage
109. ParaCamera
110. VectorCompat (MorphButton) (*6)
111. FireaseAuthEx
112. MaterialDialogsV7
113. MapScaleView
114. UsageStatsManager
115. Selfie - Make Screenshot of your own app
116. Frisson
117. Verso - Offline Reverse geo
118. Dropbox JAVA SK V2
119. MaterialDrawer
120. GoogleMapStyler
121. Android Support ExifInterface
122. FoldingCell
123. AdvancedWebview
124. PDF - Create PDF file with android.jar built-in methods.
125. NotificationBadge
126. ChatMessageView
127. Check App Version on Googleplay
128. Lottie
129. CircularProgress
130. ImageSlider
131. SwipeCardView
132. CropIWA
133. PasscodeView
134. Oblique
135. LEDView
136. DJI Drones UI 2.5
137. GeoFire
138. Droppy
139. PhilipsHUE SDK
140. MultiPhotoPicker
141. MobileVision - Barcodescanning, Facerecognition and ORC using Google Vision
142. CameraView
143. Firebase AppInvite
144. Spark
145. APW (Android PDF writer)
146. PanoramaImageView
147. Firebase UI Auth
148. AppShortcut-Helper - Create dynamic AppShortcuts (Api 25 Android 7.1 needed)
149. RSS Parser
150. SimplePGP
151. Add your own StickerPacks to Whatsapp - Sticker4W
152. GeoLocation
153. External Logger (using Room-Database)
154. IPCamView (an Imageview which can stream MPG Video)
155. GoogleFitnessApiClient
156. Casty - Cast Videos to Google Cast Devices
157. Couple Calendar
158. SMS Retriever Api
159. PDF-View based on Pdfium
160. jcifs-ng SMB Client (SMB2)
161. Figlet - Create ASCII-Art using "Fonts"
162. CameraKit
163. Linker
165- DatalogicSDK for Datalogic Scanner beta
166. Firebase ML-Vision Live detection of Texts, Barcodes, Imagelabeling, Faces and Facecontours.
167. [Chargeable] Firebase MLVision Translate
168. BCrypt - Create Saltes Hashes (compatible with PHP)
169. aPOI a Android wrap for jPOI
170. Amazon Device Messaging (ADM)
Libs marked with "(*6)" needs B4A 6+ cause the lib uses features of V6. aar format for example
wrapping a small an easy Library (Video)
B4J Libraries:
1. jPermutation
2. jVerbalExpressions
3. jShortcut V1.0.0 - Create Shelllinks on windows.
4. jToggleSwitch V1.0.0
5. FirebaseRealtimeDatabase4J
6. HUE4j - Control your Philips HUE system from your B4J app
7. SimplePGP4j
8. Dropbox SDK V2
9. jTelegramBot - Write your own Bot for Telegram.
10. B4J jcifs-ng SMB Client (SMB2)
11. BCrypt - Create Saltes Hashes (compatible with PHP)
12. PDFBox beta - Creating PDF with AcroForm, reading AcroForm Values, manipulating AcroForm values.
13. GoogleCalendar Api.
Google - Material Iconpack >1480 Icons in different resolutions
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