Here my results in big project (impossible to publish) that may be useful as the code snippet for community to develop more.
When working with FTP server - there may be troubles with mobile Internet quality and a corrupted file must be fully re-downloaded. For big files it's impossible to finish practically. So it needs to resume downloading starting the final file size.
1) Here is PHP script for the HTTP server implementation of partial downloading (only starting the offset up to the file end)
2) And B4A code snippet for working with it.
Most FTP code is related to this project.
AddtoLog, GetPath, GetFileName
When working with FTP server - there may be troubles with mobile Internet quality and a corrupted file must be fully re-downloaded. For big files it's impossible to finish practically. So it needs to resume downloading starting the final file size.
1) Here is PHP script for the HTTP server implementation of partial downloading (only starting the offset up to the file end)
2) And B4A code snippet for working with it.
B4A code:
'it's FTP structure just for clear understanding the code
Type FTPEntry2(Name As String, Timestamp As Long, Size As Long, FTPpath As String, LocalPath As String, status As String, DeleteAfter As Boolean) 'writable file info structure (FTP FTPEntry structure is read-only)
Sub Global_Download_File(f As FTPEntry2)
If Not(Starter.InternetConnected) Then Return
If f.Size < BIGFILESIZE/10 And Not(f.status.ToLowerCase.Contains("error")) Then 'small file is downloaded via FTP as main way
FTP1.DownloadFile(f.FTPpath, False, others.GetPath(f.LocalPath), f.Name)
End If
'dowloading big files over HTTP with resume
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim APIURL As String = "https://webserver/api.php?username=" & su.EncodeUrl(Starter.DeviceID, "UTF8") & "&download=" & su.EncodeUrl(f.FTPpath, "UTF8")
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize(f.Name, Me)
Dim fsize As Long
If File.Exists(f.LocalPath, "") Then
fsize = File.Size(f.LocalPath, "")
End If
'fistly request the HEAD to get the file size to compare later after downloading
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If Not(j.Success) Then
Dim StatusCode As String = j.Response.StatusCode
others.AddToLog("HTTP HEAD error: " & StatusCode & "; " & j.JobName)
CallSubDelayed(Me, "Check_AndDownload")
End If
Dim headers As Map = j.Response.GetHeaders
Dim L As List = headers.Get("content-length")
Dim head_size As Long = L.Get(0) 'full size of the file to compare after downloading
If head_size = 0 Then
others.AddToLog("HTTP HEAD zero size: " & f.FTPpath)
CallSubDelayed(Me, "Check_AndDownload")
End If
'now GETting the file---------------------------
If fsize > head_size Then 're-downloading
File.Delete(f.LocalPath, "")
fsize = 0
End If
j.Download(APIURL): j.GetRequest.SetHeader("Range", "bytes=" & fsize & "-")
Log("Downloading via HTTP: " & f.FTPpath)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If Not(j.Success) Then
Dim StatusCode As String = j.Response.StatusCode
others.AddToLog("HTTP GET error: " & StatusCode & "; " & f.FTPpath)
f.status = "download_error"
Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(others.GetPath(f.LocalPath), f.Name, True) 'True !!!
File.Copy2(j.GetInputStream, out)
out.Close '<------ very important
If Starter.InternetConnected Then
If Not(StatusCode.StartsWith("4")) Then 'client errors
Log("resume HTTP downloading: " & f.FTPpath)
CallSubDelayed2(Me, "Global_Download_File", f) 'resume download
End If
End If
CallSubDelayed(Me, "Check_AndDownload")
End If
f.status = "OK"
Dim out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(others.GetPath(f.LocalPath), f.Name, True) 'True !!!
File.Copy2(j.GetInputStream, out)
out.Close '<------ very important
fsize = File.Size(f.LocalPath, "") 'current local file's size after download
If fsize = head_size Then 'fully downloaded
f.status = "downloaded_ok"
CallSubDelayed3(Me, "FTP1_DownloadCompleted", f.FTPpath, True) 'finish processing file
Else 'resume downloading
f.status = "error_interrupted_download"
If Starter.InternetConnected Then
CallSubDelayed2(Me, "Global_Download_File", f) 'resume downloading
End If
End If
End Sub
Most FTP code is related to this project.
AddtoLog, GetPath, GetFileName
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