Sub Globals
Dim ExtDrawing As ABExtDrawing
Dim cvsMain As Canvas
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
DrawDashLine(10dip, 10dip, 200dip, 210dip, Colors.Red, 2dip)
End Sub
Sub DrawDashLine(x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, col As Int, Stroke As Float)
Dim p As ABPaint
p.SetDashPathEffect(1, Array As Float(10dip, 10dip), 0)
ExtDrawing.DrawLine(cvsMain, x1, y1, x2, y2, p)
End Sub
'Draws an arrow with tip at x and y
'x and y = coordinates of the tip
'col = color
'direction = direction of the arrow
'possible values for direction
'"R" right, "L" left, "U" up "D" down
Sub DrawArrow(x As Int, y As Int, col As Int, direction As String)
Dim P As Path
P.Initialize(x, y)
Select direction.ToUpperCase
Case "R"
P.LineTo(x - 10dip, y - 5dip)
P.LineTo(x - 10dip, y + 5dip)
Case "L"
P.LineTo(x + 10dip, y + 5dip)
P.LineTo(x + 10dip, y - 5dip)
Case "U"
P.LineTo(x - 5dip, y + 10dip)
P.LineTo(x + 5dip, y + 10dip)
Case "D"
P.LineTo(x - 5dip, y - 10dip)
P.LineTo(x + 5dip, y - 10dip)
End Select
cvsMain.DrawPath(P, col, True, 1)
End Sub
Of course yes, but as I told you:Is there any way to draw the arrowhead oriented to the slope of the line drawn?
Sub DrawArrowHeadLine(cvs As Canvas, x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, col As Int, StrokeWidth As Int, ArrowLength As Int, HalfArrowWidth As Int, ArrowStartLine As Boolean, ArrowEndLine As Boolean)
Dim Angle As Double
Dim path1 As Path
Angle = ATan2D((y2 - y1), (x2 - x1))
If ArrowStartLine = True Then
path1.Initialize(x1, y1)
path1.LineTo(x1 + ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y1 + ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
path1.LineTo(x1 + ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y1 + ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
cvs.DrawPath(path1, col, True, StrokeWidth)
End If
If ArrowEndLine = True Then
path1.Initialize(x2, y2)
path1.LineTo(x2 - ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y2 - ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
path1.LineTo(x2 - ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y2 - ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
cvs.DrawPath(path1, col, True, StrokeWidth)
End If
cvs.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, col, StrokeWidth)
End Sub
Sub DrawArrowHeadLine2(cvs As Canvas, x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, col As Int, StrokeWidth As Int, ArrowLength As Int, HalfArrowWidth As Int, ArrowStartLine As Boolean, StartArrowFilled As Boolean, ArrowEndLine As Boolean, EndArrowFilled As Boolean)
Dim Angle As Double
Dim path1 As Path
Dim x11, y11, x21, y21 As Int
Angle = ATan2D((y2 - y1), (x2 - x1))
x11 = x1
y11 = y1
x21 = x2
y21 = y2
If ArrowStartLine = True Then
If StartArrowFilled = False Then
x11 = x1 + ArrowLength * CosD(Angle)
y11 = y1 + ArrowLength * SinD(Angle)
End If
path1.Initialize(x1, y1)
path1.LineTo(x1 + ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y1 + ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
path1.LineTo(x1 + ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y1 + ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
path1.LineTo(x1, y1)
cvsMain.DrawPath(path1, col, StartArrowFilled, StrokeWidth)
End If
If ArrowEndLine = True Then
If EndArrowFilled = False Then
x21 = x2 - ArrowLength * CosD(Angle)
y21 = y2 - ArrowLength * SinD(Angle)
End If
path1.Initialize(x2, y2)
path1.LineTo(x2 - ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y2 - ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
path1.LineTo(x2 - ArrowLength * CosD(Angle) - HalfArrowWidth * SinD(Angle), y2 - ArrowLength * SinD(Angle) + HalfArrowWidth * CosD(Angle))
path1.LineTo(x2, y2)
cvsMain.DrawPath(path1, col, EndArrowFilled, StrokeWidth)
End If
cvsMain.DrawLine(x11, y11, x21, y21, col, StrokeWidth)
End Sub