Android Question Drawing outermost boundaries of set of squares

RB Smissaert

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In a map app I have a grid with tiles defined with tile numbers indicating the column and row (X and Y).
I then have an irregular shape, consisting of a set of these tiles. I do have a list (or a map) of the edge tiles,
so excluding the tiles that are not at the border of this shape.

To give a simple example, showing the XY values of this shape (at zoom level 14):

8091,5367 | 8092,5367
8091,5368 | 8092,5368

This shape has only bordering tiles (just to keep it a bit simpler).

To draw the border around this I will need to produce a list of types holding the lat/lng values of the tile corners. This list needs to be sequential
in the right order (say clock-wise) to allow drawing the border. I have code to get the lat/lng from the tile corners.
In the above simple example the sequential corner points will be (starting at the top left of the top square):

TopLeft of 8091,5366
TopRight of 8091,5366

TopLeft of 8092,5367
TopRight of 8092,5367

TopRight of 8092,5368
BottomRight of 8092,5368

BottomRight of 8091,5368
BottomLeft of 8091,5368

BottomLeft of 8091,5366

So 2 points for all but the last square, where the last square can need 1 or 2 points.

To translate this to code may seem simple, but it is not.
See for example:

I am hoping somebody in the group has worked this out already and save me some work.



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Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Type VerticalLine (X As Int, YTop As Int, YBottom As Int)
    Type HorizontalLine (Y As Int, XLeft As Int, XRight As Int)
    Private Pane1 As B4XView
    Private Pane2 As B4XView
    Private cvs1, cvs2 As B4XCanvas
    Private VerticalLines, HorizontalLines As List
    Private Scale As Float = 20
    Private LineColor As Int = xui.Color_Red
    Private LineStroke As Int = 2dip
    Private SquaresSet As B4XSet
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    AddSquare(1, 1)
    AddSquare(2, 1)
    AddSquare(2, 2)
    AddSquare(3, 2)
    AddSquare(3, 3)
    AddSquare(4, 2)
    AddSquare(5, 2)
    AddSquare(5, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub AddSquare (Left As Int, Top As Int)
    VerticalLines.Add(CreateVerticalLine(Left, Top, Top + 1))
    VerticalLines.Add(CreateVerticalLine(Left + 1, Top, Top + 1))
    HorizontalLines.Add(CreateHorizontalLine(Top, Left, Left + 1))
    HorizontalLines.Add(CreateHorizontalLine(Top + 1, Left, Left + 1))
    SquaresSet.Add(Left & "," & Top)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawRegular
    For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
        DrawVerticalLine(cvs1, vl)
    For Each hl As HorizontalLine In HorizontalLines
        DrawHorizontalLine(cvs1, hl)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawBoundaries
    VerticalLines.SortType("X", True)
    HorizontalLines.SortType("Y", True)
    Dim r As B4XRect = FindBoundingRect
    For y = r.Top To r.Bottom
        Dim Inside As Boolean = False
        For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
            If vl.YTop <> y Then Continue 'a line not on this row
            If IsSquareInSet(vl.X, y) Then
                If Inside = False Then
                    Inside = True
                    DrawVerticalLine(cvs2, vl)
                End If
                Inside = False
                DrawVerticalLine(cvs2, vl)
            End If
    For x = r.Left To r.Right
        Dim Inside As Boolean = False
        For Each hl As HorizontalLine In HorizontalLines
            If hl.XLeft <> x Then Continue
            If IsSquareInSet(x, hl.Y) Then
                If Inside = False Then
                    Inside = True
                    DrawHorizontalLine(cvs2, hl)
                End If
                Inside = False
                DrawHorizontalLine(cvs2, hl)
            End If
End Sub

Private Sub IsSquareInSet(Left As Int, Top As Int) As Boolean
    Return SquaresSet.Contains(Left & "," & Top)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawVerticalLine (cvs As B4XCanvas, vl As VerticalLine)
    cvs.DrawLine(vl.X * Scale, vl.YTop * Scale, vl.X * Scale, vl.YBottom * Scale, LineColor, LineStroke)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawHorizontalLine (cvs As B4XCanvas, hl As HorizontalLine)
    cvs.DrawLine(hl.XLeft * Scale, hl.Y * Scale, hl.XRight * Scale, hl.Y * Scale, LineColor, LineStroke)
End Sub

Private Sub FindBoundingRect As B4XRect
    Dim r As B4XRect
    r.Initialize(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0)
    For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
        r.Left = Min(r.Left, vl.X)
        r.Right = Max(r.Right, vl.X)
        r.Top = Min(r.Top, vl.YTop)
        r.Bottom = Max(r.Bottom, vl.YBottom)
    Return r
End Sub

Public Sub CreateHorizontalLine (Y As Int, XLeft As Int, XRight As Int) As HorizontalLine
    Dim t1 As HorizontalLine
    t1.Y = Y
    t1.XLeft = XLeft
    t1.XRight = XRight
    Return t1
End Sub

Public Sub CreateVerticalLine (X As Int, YTop As Int, YBottom As Int) As VerticalLine
    Dim t1 As VerticalLine
    t1.X = X
    t1.YTop = YTop
    t1.YBottom = YBottom
    Return t1
End Sub

B4J implementation is attached.


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Draw with a click:
Private Sub Pane1_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    If Action = Pane1.TOUCH_ACTION_UP Then
        Dim NormalizedX As Int = x / Scale
        Dim NormalizedY As Int = y / Scale
        If IsSquareInSet(NormalizedX, NormalizedY) Then Return
        AddSquare(NormalizedX, NormalizedY)
    End If
End Sub
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RB Smissaert

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Not tested too much:

View attachment 154085

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Type VerticalLine (X As Int, YTop As Int, YBottom As Int)
    Type HorizontalLine (Y As Int, XLeft As Int, XRight As Int)
    Private Pane1 As B4XView
    Private Pane2 As B4XView
    Private cvs1, cvs2 As B4XCanvas
    Private VerticalLines, HorizontalLines As List
    Private Scale As Float = 20
    Private LineColor As Int = xui.Color_Red
    Private LineStroke As Int = 2dip
    Private SquaresSet As B4XSet
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    AddSquare(1, 1)
    AddSquare(2, 1)
    AddSquare(2, 2)
    AddSquare(3, 2)
    AddSquare(3, 3)
    AddSquare(4, 2)
    AddSquare(5, 2)
    AddSquare(5, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub AddSquare (Left As Int, Top As Int)
    VerticalLines.Add(CreateVerticalLine(Left, Top, Top + 1))
    VerticalLines.Add(CreateVerticalLine(Left + 1, Top, Top + 1))
    HorizontalLines.Add(CreateHorizontalLine(Top, Left, Left + 1))
    HorizontalLines.Add(CreateHorizontalLine(Top + 1, Left, Left + 1))
    SquaresSet.Add(Left & "," & Top)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawRegular
    For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
        DrawVerticalLine(cvs1, vl)
    For Each hl As HorizontalLine In HorizontalLines
        DrawHorizontalLine(cvs1, hl)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawBoundaries
    VerticalLines.SortType("X", True)
    HorizontalLines.SortType("Y", True)
    Dim r As B4XRect = FindBoundingRect
    For y = r.Top To r.Bottom
        Dim Inside As Boolean = False
        For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
            If vl.YTop <> y Then Continue 'a line not on this row
            If IsSquareInSet(vl.X, y) Then
                If Inside = False Then
                    Inside = True
                    DrawVerticalLine(cvs2, vl)
                End If
                Inside = False
                DrawVerticalLine(cvs2, vl)
            End If
    For x = r.Left To r.Right
        Dim Inside As Boolean = False
        For Each hl As HorizontalLine In HorizontalLines
            If hl.XLeft <> x Then Continue
            If IsSquareInSet(x, hl.Y) Then
                If Inside = False Then
                    Inside = True
                    DrawHorizontalLine(cvs2, hl)
                End If
                Inside = False
                DrawHorizontalLine(cvs2, hl)
            End If
End Sub

Private Sub IsSquareInSet(Left As Int, Top As Int) As Boolean
    Return SquaresSet.Contains(Left & "," & Top)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawVerticalLine (cvs As B4XCanvas, vl As VerticalLine)
    cvs.DrawLine(vl.X * Scale, vl.YTop * Scale, vl.X * Scale, vl.YBottom * Scale, LineColor, LineStroke)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawHorizontalLine (cvs As B4XCanvas, hl As HorizontalLine)
    cvs.DrawLine(hl.XLeft * Scale, hl.Y * Scale, hl.XRight * Scale, hl.Y * Scale, LineColor, LineStroke)
End Sub

Private Sub FindBoundingRect As B4XRect
    Dim r As B4XRect
    r.Initialize(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0)
    For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
        r.Left = Min(r.Left, vl.X)
        r.Right = Max(r.Right, vl.X)
        r.Top = Min(r.Top, vl.YTop)
        r.Bottom = Max(r.Bottom, vl.YBottom)
    Return r
End Sub

Public Sub CreateHorizontalLine (Y As Int, XLeft As Int, XRight As Int) As HorizontalLine
    Dim t1 As HorizontalLine
    t1.Y = Y
    t1.XLeft = XLeft
    t1.XRight = XRight
    Return t1
End Sub

Public Sub CreateVerticalLine (X As Int, YTop As Int, YBottom As Int) As VerticalLine
    Dim t1 As VerticalLine
    t1.X = X
    t1.YTop = YTop
    t1.YBottom = YBottom
    Return t1
End Sub

B4J implementation is attached.
Thanks for that, will try that out now.
I had something worked out nearly but this looks neater.
Will report back.

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RB Smissaert

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Not tested too much:

View attachment 154085

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Type VerticalLine (X As Int, YTop As Int, YBottom As Int)
    Type HorizontalLine (Y As Int, XLeft As Int, XRight As Int)
    Private Pane1 As B4XView
    Private Pane2 As B4XView
    Private cvs1, cvs2 As B4XCanvas
    Private VerticalLines, HorizontalLines As List
    Private Scale As Float = 20
    Private LineColor As Int = xui.Color_Red
    Private LineStroke As Int = 2dip
    Private SquaresSet As B4XSet
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    AddSquare(1, 1)
    AddSquare(2, 1)
    AddSquare(2, 2)
    AddSquare(3, 2)
    AddSquare(3, 3)
    AddSquare(4, 2)
    AddSquare(5, 2)
    AddSquare(5, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub AddSquare (Left As Int, Top As Int)
    VerticalLines.Add(CreateVerticalLine(Left, Top, Top + 1))
    VerticalLines.Add(CreateVerticalLine(Left + 1, Top, Top + 1))
    HorizontalLines.Add(CreateHorizontalLine(Top, Left, Left + 1))
    HorizontalLines.Add(CreateHorizontalLine(Top + 1, Left, Left + 1))
    SquaresSet.Add(Left & "," & Top)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawRegular
    For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
        DrawVerticalLine(cvs1, vl)
    For Each hl As HorizontalLine In HorizontalLines
        DrawHorizontalLine(cvs1, hl)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawBoundaries
    VerticalLines.SortType("X", True)
    HorizontalLines.SortType("Y", True)
    Dim r As B4XRect = FindBoundingRect
    For y = r.Top To r.Bottom
        Dim Inside As Boolean = False
        For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
            If vl.YTop <> y Then Continue 'a line not on this row
            If IsSquareInSet(vl.X, y) Then
                If Inside = False Then
                    Inside = True
                    DrawVerticalLine(cvs2, vl)
                End If
                Inside = False
                DrawVerticalLine(cvs2, vl)
            End If
    For x = r.Left To r.Right
        Dim Inside As Boolean = False
        For Each hl As HorizontalLine In HorizontalLines
            If hl.XLeft <> x Then Continue
            If IsSquareInSet(x, hl.Y) Then
                If Inside = False Then
                    Inside = True
                    DrawHorizontalLine(cvs2, hl)
                End If
                Inside = False
                DrawHorizontalLine(cvs2, hl)
            End If
End Sub

Private Sub IsSquareInSet(Left As Int, Top As Int) As Boolean
    Return SquaresSet.Contains(Left & "," & Top)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawVerticalLine (cvs As B4XCanvas, vl As VerticalLine)
    cvs.DrawLine(vl.X * Scale, vl.YTop * Scale, vl.X * Scale, vl.YBottom * Scale, LineColor, LineStroke)
End Sub

Private Sub DrawHorizontalLine (cvs As B4XCanvas, hl As HorizontalLine)
    cvs.DrawLine(hl.XLeft * Scale, hl.Y * Scale, hl.XRight * Scale, hl.Y * Scale, LineColor, LineStroke)
End Sub

Private Sub FindBoundingRect As B4XRect
    Dim r As B4XRect
    r.Initialize(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0)
    For Each vl As VerticalLine In VerticalLines
        r.Left = Min(r.Left, vl.X)
        r.Right = Max(r.Right, vl.X)
        r.Top = Min(r.Top, vl.YTop)
        r.Bottom = Max(r.Bottom, vl.YBottom)
    Return r
End Sub

Public Sub CreateHorizontalLine (Y As Int, XLeft As Int, XRight As Int) As HorizontalLine
    Dim t1 As HorizontalLine
    t1.Y = Y
    t1.XLeft = XLeft
    t1.XRight = XRight
    Return t1
End Sub

Public Sub CreateVerticalLine (X As Int, YTop As Int, YBottom As Int) As VerticalLine
    Dim t1 As VerticalLine
    t1.X = X
    t1.YTop = YTop
    t1.YBottom = YBottom
    Return t1
End Sub

B4J implementation is attached.
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RB Smissaert

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Longtime User
Said would report back and have done this now in a very different way.
Not sure it is better, but I found it easier to understand the code.
Will later work round Erel's posted code to work with the map class and then compare the two.
Basically this code looks at the type of line edge points and depending of the type does the drawing.
This code doesn't do any drawing but just produces a list of types, holding the latitude and the longitude
to be used for drawing on the map later.

    Type TMapTileXY(fX As Long, fY As Long)
    Type TMapLatLng(fLat As Double, fLng As Double)

    Type tBorderPointTypes(iTopLine As Int, _
                           iRightLine As Int, _
                           iBottomLine As Int, _
                           iLeftLine As Int, _
                           iLeftTopCorner90 As Int, _
                           iRightTopCorner90 As Int, _
                           iRightBottomCorner90 As Int, _
                           iLeftBottomCorner90 As Int, _
                           iLeftTopCorner270 As Int, _
                           iRightTopCorner270 As Int, _
                           iRightBottomCorner270 As Int, _
                           iLeftBottomCorner270 As Int, _
                           iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly As Int, _
                           iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly As Int, _
                           iNotAtEdge As Int)
    Public eBorderPointTypes As tBorderPointTypes
    eBorderPointTypes.iTopLine = 0
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightLine = 1
    eBorderPointTypes.iBottomLine = 2
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftLine = 3
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner90 = 4
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner90 = 5
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner90 = 6
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner90 = 7
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner270 = 8
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner270 = 9
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner270 = 10
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner270 = 11
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly = 12
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly = 13
    eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge = 14

'return a TTileXY from X and Y
Public Sub initTileXY(aX As Long, aY As Long) As TMapTileXY
    Dim fTileXY As TMapTileXY
    Return fTileXY
End Sub

'return a TLatLng from lat/lng
Public Sub initLatLng(aLat As Double,aLng As Double) As TMapLatLng
    Dim ll As TMapLatLng
    Return ll
End Sub

Sub GetBorderLinePointType(tMTXY As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map) As Int
    Dim iRightBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftTop As Int
    Dim iRightTop As Int
    Dim iPointType As Int
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iRightBottom = 1
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iLeftBottom = 2
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iLeftTop = 4
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iRightTop = 8
    End If
    iPointType = iRightBottom + iLeftBottom + iLeftTop + iRightTop
    '90 and 270 are to do with the clock-wise rotation and the turn to make at the corner
    Select Case iPointType
        Case 1
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner90
        Case 2
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner90
        Case 3
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iTopLine
        Case 4
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner90
        Case 5
            'this is a special case: top left tile and right bottom tile
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly
        Case 6
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightLine
        Case 7
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner270
        Case 8
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner90
        Case 9
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftLine
        Case 10
            'this is a special case: top right tile and left bottom tile
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly
        Case 11
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner270
        Case 12
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iBottomLine
        Case 13
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner270
        Case 14
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner270
        Case 15
            'all 4 tiles surrounding, so not at an edge, so no line to be drawn
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge
    End Select
    Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge
End Sub

Public Sub GetPolygonListFromAreaBorderTiles(tMTXY_Start As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map, iZoom As Int) As List
    Dim tMTXY As TMapTileXY 'indicating the current XY point
    Dim lstTilesLatLng As List
    Dim iPointType As Int
    tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY_Start.fX, tMTXY_Start.fY)
    Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
    Do While True
        iPointType = GetBorderLinePointType(tMTXY, mapTileLookup)
        Select Case iPointType
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iTopLine
                'go right
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightLine
                'go down
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iBottomLine
                'go left
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftLine
                'go up
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner90
                'go right
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner90
                'go down
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner90
                'go left
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner90
                'go up
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner270
                'go up
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner270
                'go right
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner270
                'go down
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner270
                'go left
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly, Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly
                'go to tiles touching point >> may need attention as tMTXY remains the same
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge
                'no line to draw, so no tLL added to list
        End Select
        'check for returned to start
        If tMTXY.fX = tMTXY_Start.fX Then
            If tMTXY.fY = tMTXY_Start.fY Then
            End If
        End If
    Return lstTilesLatLng
End Sub

All working fine, but only lightly tested.

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Said would report back and have done this now in a very different way.
Not sure it is better, but I found it easier to understand the code.
Will later work round Erel's posted code to work with the map class and then compare the two.
Basically this code looks at the type of line edge points and depending of the type does the drawing.
This code doesn't do any drawing but just produces a list of types, holding the latitude and the longitude
to be used for drawing on the map later.

    Type TMapTileXY(fX As Long, fY As Long)
    Type TMapLatLng(fLat As Double, fLng As Double)

    Type tBorderPointTypes(iTopLine As Int, _
                           iRightLine As Int, _
                           iBottomLine As Int, _
                           iLeftLine As Int, _
                           iLeftTopCorner90 As Int, _
                           iRightTopCorner90 As Int, _
                           iRightBottomCorner90 As Int, _
                           iLeftBottomCorner90 As Int, _
                           iLeftTopCorner270 As Int, _
                           iRightTopCorner270 As Int, _
                           iRightBottomCorner270 As Int, _
                           iLeftBottomCorner270 As Int, _
                           iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly As Int, _
                           iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly As Int, _
                           iNotAtEdge As Int)
    Public eBorderPointTypes As tBorderPointTypes
    eBorderPointTypes.iTopLine = 0
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightLine = 1
    eBorderPointTypes.iBottomLine = 2
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftLine = 3
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner90 = 4
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner90 = 5
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner90 = 6
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner90 = 7
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner270 = 8
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner270 = 9
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner270 = 10
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner270 = 11
    eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly = 12
    eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly = 13
    eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge = 14

'return a TTileXY from X and Y
Public Sub initTileXY(aX As Long, aY As Long) As TMapTileXY
    Dim fTileXY As TMapTileXY
    Return fTileXY
End Sub

'return a TLatLng from lat/lng
Public Sub initLatLng(aLat As Double,aLng As Double) As TMapLatLng
    Dim ll As TMapLatLng
    Return ll
End Sub

Sub GetBorderLinePointType(tMTXY As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map) As Int
    Dim iRightBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftTop As Int
    Dim iRightTop As Int
    Dim iPointType As Int
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iRightBottom = 1
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iLeftBottom = 2
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iLeftTop = 4
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iRightTop = 8
    End If
    iPointType = iRightBottom + iLeftBottom + iLeftTop + iRightTop
    '90 and 270 are to do with the clock-wise rotation and the turn to make at the corner
    Select Case iPointType
        Case 1
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner90
        Case 2
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner90
        Case 3
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iTopLine
        Case 4
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner90
        Case 5
            'this is a special case: top left tile and right bottom tile
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly
        Case 6
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightLine
        Case 7
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner270
        Case 8
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner90
        Case 9
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftLine
        Case 10
            'this is a special case: top right tile and left bottom tile
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly
        Case 11
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner270
        Case 12
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iBottomLine
        Case 13
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner270
        Case 14
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner270
        Case 15
            'all 4 tiles surrounding, so not at an edge, so no line to be drawn
            Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge
    End Select
    Return Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge
End Sub

Public Sub GetPolygonListFromAreaBorderTiles(tMTXY_Start As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map, iZoom As Int) As List
    Dim tMTXY As TMapTileXY 'indicating the current XY point
    Dim lstTilesLatLng As List
    Dim iPointType As Int
    tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY_Start.fX, tMTXY_Start.fY)
    Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
    Do While True
        iPointType = GetBorderLinePointType(tMTXY, mapTileLookup)
        Select Case iPointType
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iTopLine
                'go right
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightLine
                'go down
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iBottomLine
                'go left
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftLine
                'go up
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner90
                'go right
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner90
                'go down
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner90
                'go left
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner90
                'go up
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopCorner270
                'go up
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopCorner270
                'go right
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightBottomCorner270
                'go down
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftBottomCorner270
                'go left
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iLeftTopAndRightBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly, Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iRightTopAndLeftBottomTouchingAtCornerOnly
                'go to tiles touching point >> may need attention as tMTXY remains the same
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
            Case Enums.eBorderPointTypes.iNotAtEdge
                'no line to draw, so no tLL added to list
        End Select
        'check for returned to start
        If tMTXY.fX = tMTXY_Start.fX Then
            If tMTXY.fY = tMTXY_Start.fY Then
            End If
        End If
    Return lstTilesLatLng
End Sub

All working fine, but only lightly tested.

As I need a sequential (so you could walk the border as it is) list of lat/lng types I will stick with my posted code.
Can't see an easy way to adapt Erel's code to make such a list.

I streamlined the code as we don't need the line point types and it is easy get these if needed by looking at the current point direction and the previous point direction.

    Type tBorderLineDirections(iRight As Int, _
                               iDown As Int, _
                               iLeft As Int, _
                               iUp As Int, _
                               iNoLine As Int)
    Public eBorderLineDirection As tBorderLineDirections
    eBorderLineDirection.iRight = 0
    eBorderLineDirection.iDown = 1
    eBorderLineDirection.iLeft = 2
    eBorderLineDirection.iUp = 3
    eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine = -1

Sub GetBorderLineDirection(tMTXY As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map) As Int
    Dim iRightBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftTop As Int
    Dim iRightTop As Int
    Dim iPointType As Int
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iRightBottom = 1
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iLeftBottom = 2
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iLeftTop = 4
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iRightTop = 8
    End If
    iPointType = iRightBottom + iLeftBottom + iLeftTop + iRightTop
    Select Case iPointType
        Case 1, 3, 7
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iRight
        Case 2, 6, 14
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iDown
        Case 4, 12, 13
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iLeft
        Case 8, 9, 11
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iUp
        Case 5, 10, 15 'corners touching only or point is enclosed
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
    End Select
    Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
End Sub

Public Sub GetPolygonListFromAreaBorderTiles(tMTXY_Start As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map, iZoom As Int) As List
    Dim tMTXY As TMapTileXY 'indicating the current XY point
    Dim lstTilesLatLng As List
    Dim iBorderLineDirection As Int

    tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY_Start.fX, tMTXY_Start.fY)
    Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
    Do While True
        iBorderLineDirection = GetBorderLineDirection(tMTXY, mapTileLookup)
        Select Case iBorderLineDirection
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iRight
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iDown
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iLeft
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iUp
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine

        End Select
        'check for returned to start
        If tMTXY.fX = tMTXY_Start.fX Then
            If tMTXY.fY = tMTXY_Start.fY Then
            End If
        End If
    Return lstTilesLatLng
End Sub

Fully tested now and all working fine.

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
As I need a sequential (so you could walk the border as it is) list of lat/lng types I will stick with my posted code.
Can't see an easy way to adapt Erel's code to make such a list.

I streamlined the code as we don't need the line point types and it is easy get these if needed by looking at the current point direction and the previous point direction.

    Type tBorderLineDirections(iRight As Int, _
                               iDown As Int, _
                               iLeft As Int, _
                               iUp As Int, _
                               iNoLine As Int)
    Public eBorderLineDirection As tBorderLineDirections
    eBorderLineDirection.iRight = 0
    eBorderLineDirection.iDown = 1
    eBorderLineDirection.iLeft = 2
    eBorderLineDirection.iUp = 3
    eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine = -1

Sub GetBorderLineDirection(tMTXY As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map) As Int
    Dim iRightBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftTop As Int
    Dim iRightTop As Int
    Dim iPointType As Int
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iRightBottom = 1
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iLeftBottom = 2
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iLeftTop = 4
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iRightTop = 8
    End If
    iPointType = iRightBottom + iLeftBottom + iLeftTop + iRightTop
    Select Case iPointType
        Case 1, 3, 7
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iRight
        Case 2, 6, 14
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iDown
        Case 4, 12, 13
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iLeft
        Case 8, 9, 11
            Return Enums.eLineDirection.iUp
        Case 5, 10, 15 'corners touching only or point is enclosed
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
    End Select
    Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
End Sub

Public Sub GetPolygonListFromAreaBorderTiles(tMTXY_Start As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map, iZoom As Int) As List
    Dim tMTXY As TMapTileXY 'indicating the current XY point
    Dim lstTilesLatLng As List
    Dim iBorderLineDirection As Int

    tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY_Start.fX, tMTXY_Start.fY)
    Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
    Do While True
        iBorderLineDirection = GetBorderLineDirection(tMTXY, mapTileLookup)
        Select Case iBorderLineDirection
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iRight
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX + 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iDown
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iLeft
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX - 1), tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iUp
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon((tMTXY.fX), tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine

        End Select
        'check for returned to start
        If tMTXY.fX = tMTXY_Start.fX Then
            If tMTXY.fY = tMTXY_Start.fY Then
            End If
        End If
    Return lstTilesLatLng
End Sub

Fully tested now and all working fine.

Fixed one bug to do with an unusual case where the 4 tiles to check (to get the line direction) only had the top-left and bottom-right tile or bottom-left and top-right tile present. To fix this I added the previous direction as an argument to the Sub to get the next line direction:

Sub GetBorderLineDirection(tMTXY As TMapTileXY, iPreviousDirection As Int, mapTileLookup As Map) As Int
    Dim iRightBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftBottom As Int
    Dim iLeftTop As Int
    Dim iRightTop As Int
    Dim iPointType As Int
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iRightBottom = 1
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & tMTXY.fY) Then
        iLeftBottom = 2
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey((tMTXY.fX - 1) & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iLeftTop = 4
    End If
    If mapTileLookup.ContainsKey(tMTXY.fX & "_" & (tMTXY.fY - 1)) Then
        iRightTop = 8
    End If
    iPointType = iRightBottom + iLeftBottom + iLeftTop + iRightTop
    Select Case iPointType
        Case 1, 3, 7   'note this includes 5: left-top tile And right-bottom tile touching at corner only
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iRight
        Case 5 'special case, left-top tile And right-bottom tile touching at corner only
            If iPreviousDirection = Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iDown Then
                Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iLeft
                Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iRight
            End If
        Case 10 'special case, left-bottom tile And right-top tile touching at corner only
            If iPreviousDirection = Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iRight Then
                Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iDown
                Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iUp
            End If
        Case 2, 6, 14
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iDown
        Case 4, 12, 13
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iLeft
        Case 8, 9, 11
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iUp
        Case 15 'point is enclosed
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
        Case Else
            Return Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
    End Select
End Sub

'tMTXY_Start is the XY of the top/left of the border tiles
Public Sub GetPolygonListFromAreaBorderTiles(tMTXY_Start As TMapTileXY, mapTileLookup As Map, iZoom As Int) As List
    Dim tMTXY As TMapTileXY
    Dim iBorderLineDirection As Int
    Dim lstTilesLatLng As List
    Dim mapPoints As Map
    Dim bExit As Boolean
    tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY_Start.fX, tMTXY_Start.fY)
    Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
    Do While True
        'note we are adding the previous direction here, which is needed for mentioned special cases
        iBorderLineDirection = GetBorderLineDirection(tMTXY, iBorderLineDirection, mapTileLookup)
        Select Case iBorderLineDirection
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iRight
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX + 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iDown
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY + 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iLeft
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX - 1, tMTXY.fY)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iUp
                Dim tLL As TMapLatLng = Tile2LatLon(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1, iZoom)
                tMTXY = initTileXY(tMTXY.fX, tMTXY.fY - 1)
            Case Enums.eBorderLineDirection.iNoLine
                bExit = True
        End Select
        If bExit Then
            Log("exit due to no line")
        End If
        'check for returned to start
        If tMTXY.fX = tMTXY_Start.fX Then
            If tMTXY.fY = tMTXY_Start.fY Then
                Log("exit as back to start tile")
            End If
        End If
    Return lstTilesLatLng
End Sub

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