@aggelos: Thank you very much for your input. You are the only brave one responding to my posts besides Erel.i would recommend that you use the Oath2
Aggelos asks: i would recommend that you use the Oath2 to connect to dropbox.
ANSWER: I am not sure what Oath2 is. How does it work with Dropbox?
Aggelos asks: are you sure the file that you change has been fully uploaded to dropbox? maybe you dont get the latest version because the other device/computer did upload the file yet.
ANSWER: Yes, I am sure because I prepare the text files (all are small) on my PC using Access and I can see the new files in Dropbox. It takes the second service 5 minutes after the first one before the new files appear on the device.
Aggelos asks: use anyInProgress to see if background syncing has actually finished when you download a file.
ANSWER: What is anyInProgress and how does it work. How does it work with Dropbox?
Aggelos asks: before download do a .sync. wait for it to finish and then download the file.
ANSWER: Currently, I start the download in Sub Manager_AccountReady (Success As Boolean). Do you think I should move it inside Sub manager_SyncCompleted (Success As Boolean)?
Aggelos asks: see the unfiltered logs to see what dropbox is doing .
ANSWER: I will check the unfiltered logs.