I had previously miss-phrased my question, and targeted the container... the answer to that was not that difficult.... BUT!
This is the right phrasing I wanted.
The objective is to , on a 1x3 grid (Row x Collumns), To set the center collumn both side borders to create a sort of separator.
I believe this can be done using the CSS approach, but I have no idea on how to target the Cell(1,2) because cells do not have the SetExtraStyle propertie.
I tried adding containers to a container that is already inside a container (the extra content container) so I could use the "setExtraStyle" property, but I guess a 3rd degree container is not possible.
I'm sure the way to go is by using the ...
Dim HoverScript as string = $"....."$
page.ws.Eval(HoverScript, Null)
But I have not clue how to reference "menucont" (my target container) c2 (my target column)....
Dim script As String = $"$('#r1c1').css({'border-right':'1px solid red'});"$ ' the ID again like the previous time you have to find it in the browser via inspect element.
page.ws.Eval(script, Null)
BUT: you will have to set this every time the cell OR one of its parents is refreshed! Rows and Cells are special in ABM as they do the 'responsiveness' of the WebApp.
ABM takes care of a lot for you under the hood if you follow the provide rules, but if you want to deviate from the CSS it provides, you will have to learn some basic jQuery.
SO I logged the menucont.GetDebugRowCellIDs and got this!
And I have tried #menucont-r1c1 and a bunch other small variants... and Nothing happens!
Yep... the problem is, I think that due to the fact that menucont is inside the Extracontent, it is somehow passed/managed in Javascript.
I have tried getdebugid, getdebugrowcolid, inspectelement and show html source, I find no reference to any of the extracontent items.
Since this was not a functional request and was only to achieve a bit more of "bling-bling", I will find other ways/subjects to bother Alain!