Android Question Edit B4XTable cell


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Is there any way to edit directly in the b4xtable cell?

I refer to the link example:


Licensed User
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Hello DonManfred,

Thanks for the example, but what I'm looking for is editing in the cell itself.
At the moment I use TableView with EditText but it gets heavy with many lines.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I think that the dialog approach is more suitable on mobile devices. The keyboard will cover half of the screen when it appears requiring you to resize the table. Doing it correctly can be a bit difficult and will also be confusing to the user.

Thank You, Erel.
But when I do the same grid in B4J it is more efficient and practical to edit directly in the cell.
I made a mistake! I should have opened the topic in B4J, although I want to use the grid in both environments.
For B4A it is excellent to edit off-screen and the grid has limited amount of data.
In the case of using B4J, to make it practical for the user, he needs to see all the lines on screen.
There are files with more than 20000 lines to load and this makes the application extremely heavy when made in TableView with EditText.
Anyway, I'm trying to find a way to replace my C# - made apps with those made in B4J.
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