B4A Library Equalizer library

Here's my first attempt at a library that's suitable to share. It's for the Equalizer available in API 9 and later (Gingerbread 2.3).

If it's used on a device which does not have API 9 or later, it will not fail at initialization and you can check the IsInitialized method to see if it's available and use it if it is.

It is my first attempt, let me know if you get any problems with it and I'll try to sort them out.


I've added an example program which works fine on the emulator, my Cyanogen mod powered devices are not so happy. Probably to do with the Cyanogen mod release, I'll try to update them.

V1.01 ensures reinitialization is done after app is paused.
V1.10 allows attaching to a specific Mediaplayer or AudioTrack using the audioSessionID. You can get this using reflection on Mediaplayer. See Post:#15


  • EqGui3.zip
    8 KB · Views: 905
  • EQlib.zip
    5.5 KB · Views: 947
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thats bad News...

Any other Idea ?
Or is ther a other way to Play a Video and use EQlib ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Have you tried applying it to audio session 0? That's the global output, which is deprecated. I don't know from which version, but should work on older devices. Which means you may have to code for both.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, but no Effekt to the Videoviews Audio...

I also tryed "initialize" instead of "initialize2" the EQ.. also no Effekt to the Audio..


Licensed User
Longtime User
What device / version of android are you using?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ist a Gainward Galapd 7
Android Version 4.1.1

EQLib is working fine with Mediaplayer and MediaplayerStream

i think i'll look for another way to play Video...