Hi, I'm trying to use OTA Deployer (since my App was rejected from the Apple Store), and I came out with the error "missing javaFX runtime components and they are needed to run this application", I'm using JAVA 1.8.0_40-b25. I have donwloaded the javafx-sdk-11.0.2, but this packagge does not have an installer
, and I don't know how to integrate it with my JAVA.
Once installed (the JDK8 above has an installer, the JDK11 you just unzip to an appropriate location), point B4J's javac.exe path to the right location.
Thanks for your quick answer Erel and OliverA, I cannot imagine the work load that Erel must have. I've attached the result of trying to execute the Jar, and, as hard as it seems, I don't have B4J installed yet, but be sure I'll give it a try some day.
Yeah, I don't think OpenJDK comes bundled with OpenJFX. Just use the Corretto version I linked above. I know it's Amazon, but 1) it works, 2) it's up to date (yours is slightly old)