Error Select Case


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i am using the following code from Erel's Slider example

Sub ChangePanel(Left As Boolean)
Select Left
Case False
If sd.currentPanel=2 Then
SlidingPanels.ChangePanel(sd, Left)
End If
Case = True
If sd.currentPanel=0 Then
SlidingPanels.ChangePanel(sd, Left)
End If
End Select

However I am getting an error at the Select Left Line as follows

Error description: Missing parameter.
Occurred on line: 85
Select Left
Word: select

I have read the docs and the syntax looks correct to me

if i put an open bracket "(" after the word Select i can see the menu item so all looks ok.

Is there a problem with my code or compiler?



If i put a brac


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thanks admac,

I actually had one case with an = and one without to see if that would make a diff but when the compiler kept stopping at the top i thoughtr it was not getting that far.:confused:

Workd a little like a COBOL compiler. The error is not always where it says it is

thanks again
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