HI, All
I'm trying to automate the JSON parsing to SQLite DB.
I have such subs to do it:
And if to try to insert a new set of records from JSON:
...sure it's error, unique primary key does not allow to add the same records - and it's very good:
But how correctly to check and trap such SQL system errors, if the data structure is not detail parsed, incapsulated in these subs and our "standard" DButils ?
I'm trying to automate the JSON parsing to SQLite DB.
I have such subs to do it:
'checks if the new table structure is received
Sub JSON_isNewJsonMap (SQL As SQL, Table As String, SourceMap As Map) As Boolean
Dim Res As ResultSet = SQL.ExecQuery($"PRAGMA table_info(${Table})"$)
Dim db_fields As Map:db_fields.Initialize
Do While Res.NextRow
Dim name As String = Res.GetString("name") 'db table existing field name
If name = "rowid" Then
End If
db_fields.Put(name, "")
For i = 0 To SourceMap.Size - 1
Dim key As String = SourceMap.GetKeyAt(i) 'a field from JSON to be checked
If db_fields.ContainsKey(key) = False Then
Return True 'old DB has no field from new JSON
End If
Return False
End Sub
'RowsListOfMaps - parsed from JSON: say Items=[{PositionType=1, Name=Name1, Count=1}, {PositionType=2, Name=Name2, Count=0.3}]
Sub JSON_CreateTableAuto(SQL As SQL, TableName As String, RowsListOfMaps As List)
If RowsListOfMaps.Size = 0 Then Return
Dim sb As StringBuilder
Dim row As Map = RowsListOfMaps.Get(0)
For i = 0 To row.Size - 1
Dim field, ftype, fvalue As String
field = row.GetKeyAt(i)
fvalue = row.GetValueAt(i)
If isNumber3(fvalue) = False Then
ftype = DBUtils.DB_TEXT
If fvalue.Contains(".") Then
ftype = DBUtils.DB_REAL
ftype = DBUtils.DB_INTEGER
End If
End If
If i > 0 Then sb.Append(", ")
sb.Append("[").Append(field).Append("]").Append(" ").Append(ftype)
sb.Append(", id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY")
Dim query As String = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [" & TableName & "] " & sb.ToString
End Sub
Sub JSON_CreateTableStructure(SQL As SQL, TableName As String, RowMap As Map)
If RowMap.IsInitialized = False Then Return
If RowMap.Size = 0 Then Return
Dim ft As Map:ft.Initialize
Dim field, ftype, fvalue As String
For i = 0 To RowMap.Size - 1
field = RowMap.GetKeyAt(i)
fvalue = RowMap.GetValueAt(i)
If isNumber3(fvalue) = False Then
ftype = DBUtils.DB_TEXT
If fvalue.Contains(".") Then
ftype = DBUtils.DB_REAL
ftype = DBUtils.DB_INTEGER
End If
End If
ft.Put(field, ftype)
DBUtils.CreateTable(SQL, TableName, ft, "id", True) 'table in DB
End Sub
Sub JSON_GetObjFromPath(obj As Object, path As String) As Object
Dim keys() = Regex.Split("/", path) As String : path = ""
If keys.Length == 0 Then Return obj
Dim key As String
For i = 0 To (keys.Length - 1)
key = keys(i) : If key <> "" Then Exit
If key.Length == 0 Then Return obj
For j = i + 1 To (keys.Length - 1)
path = path & keys(j) & "/"
If obj Is Map Then
Dim map = obj As Map
obj = JSON_GetObjFromPath(map.GetDefault(key, Null), path)
Else If obj Is List Then
Dim lst = obj As List
obj = JSON_GetObjFromPath(lst.Get(key), path)
obj = Null
End Try
End If
Return obj
End Sub
Sub isNumber3(s As Object) As Boolean
Dim str As String = s
If IsNumber(str) Then
If str.StartsWith("+") Then
Return False
Dim d As Double = str
Return d <> d + 1
End If
Return False
End If
End Sub
And if to try to insert a new set of records from JSON:
If Job.Success Then
Dim jp As JSONParser
Select Job.JobName
Case "some_reply"
Dim L As List = jp.NextArray
If L.Size > 0 Then
Dim m As Map = L.Get(0)
If others.JSON_isNewJsonMap(Starter.SQL, "table", m) Then
DBUtils.DropTable(Starter.SQL, "table")
others.JSON_CreateTableStructure(Starter.SQL, "table", m)
End If
DBUtils.InsertMaps(Starter.SQL, "table", L) 'Sure here error
End If
SQLite system error:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: sms.id (code 1555)
But how correctly to check and trap such SQL system errors, if the data structure is not detail parsed, incapsulated in these subs and our "standard" DButils ?